Updated 5/17/2020
I noticed that several generous folks were offering to be guest speakers for law school courses and thought it would be a good idea to consolidate a list in one place.
I sent out a short survey - https://forms.gle/fr6dEhscidAr6oBL9 - and these professionals volunteered! I invite you to examine their credentials and contact them directly to arrange to speak to your class. CALI is working on a more long term version of this service that would go beyond this current pandemic.
If you have any questions or you are a volunteer who wants their name removed, contact me John Mayer - jmayer@cali.org or DM me @johnpmayer.
Also, here is a lightly curated list of Resources for Law Faculty On Remote Teaching Due To Coronavirus / Covid-19
# | Name |
Subjects of Expertise |
1 | John Mayer jmayer@cali.org @johnpmayer |
I am available to talk about CALI Lessons, Open Casebook publishing, Access to Justice and Technology. A2J Author is a free document automation tool that also teaches law students computational thinking about the practice of law. I can speak to the future of law practice in this regard. |
2 | Kyle McEntee kyle@lawschooltransparency.com @LSTupdates @kpmcentee |
Legal Education, Advocacy |
3 | Ashley A Ahlbrand aaahlbra@indiana.edu @AshleyAmes |
Legal research - happy to tailor to any subject/content type. From an Indiana law school, so happy to focus on Indiana, if desired. Working on a talk for my research course on the litigation analytics tools in Westlaw/Lexis/Bloomberg, so could speak on those products a bit as well. |
4 | Brendan O'Connor ussjoin@ussjoin.com @USSJoin |
I do information security (I'm a licensed attorney, but I work as a security consultant) and am happy to talk about security, rule 1.6 for lawyers, or working as a lawyer in a non-law thing. |
5 | akucera@centralcallegal.org @andrewskucera |
Real Property, Remedies, Law Practice Management, Legal Technology, Community Lawyering |
6 | Lisa Stansky lstansky@slls.org |
Using online resources to support access to civil justice. If I speak in my role with SLLS I may need to get clearance in advance. |
7 | Megan S Belden mbelden@lsnv.org |
Family law, domestic violence law (Virginia) |
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Dorna Moini
Document automation; Expert systems; Productizing legal services |
9 | Nora Mahoney nmahoney@lsnv.org |
Domestic violence and trauma; Virginia family law; legal aid/nonprofit legal assistance; legal technology projects for staff and the general public (self-help info and resources) |
10 | Ashley Kempczynski akempczynski@lsnv.org |
Virginia family law |
11 | Nika Kabiri nika@kabiriconsulting.com @nikakabiri https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/in/nikakabiri |
I've done research on lawyers and legal consumers for about 5 years - what they think, believe, and do. I am also a business consultant. I can speak to the business side of practicing law, to the role of consumer insights, and on what it means to be a client-centric lawyer. |
12 | Brian Gallini bgallini@uark.edu @briangallini https://www.linkedin.com/in/briangallini/ |
Criminal law, criminal procedure |
13 | Warren Agin agin@analyticlaw.com @analyticlaw https://www.linkedin.com/in/warren-e-agin-a50b0 |
Bankruptcy, legal analytics |
14 | Jessica Therkelsen jessica.therkelsen@gmail.com @JessTherkelsen https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessicatherkelsen/ |
International law, refugee law, migration policy, nonprofits, humanitarian response |
15 | Holly Stevens HStevens@childrenslawcenter.org @HollyR_Stevens https://www.linkedin.com/in/holly-r-stevens/ |
Data literacy and outcome-driven legal practice, program evaluation and applied research basics for legal services, case management systems, using data for program improvement, data-informed legal services. |
16 | Dennis Kennedy dmk@denniskennedy.com @denniskennedy http://www.linkedin.com/in/dennismkennedy |
Innovation; NewLaw; Legaltech; new legal careers; In-house careers; law of new technologies; changes to legal ed |
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Kelli Proia
Legal Sales and Business Development |
18 | Alma Asay alma.asay@gmail.com @almaasay https://www.linkedin.com/in/almaasay |
Legaltech development and implementation, especially relating to litigation practice |
19 | Colin S. Levy colin.levy@gmail.com @Clevy_Law https://www.linkedin.com/in/cslcorporatecounsel |
Contract management, understanding legal tech, finding the right legal tech tool, process improvement. |
20 | Erika Pagano erika.pagano@wavelength.law @erikaconcetta https://www.linkedin.com/in/erikaconcettapagano |
Erika's sweet spots include culture creation, leadership, strategy, teaming, technology, and cross-border initiatives. (Think: legal innovation, legal design, legal education, legal engineering, legal ops) |
21 | Mike Whelan mike@lawyerforward.com @mikewhelanjr https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikewhelanjr |
The social side of the future of law, networked expertise, solo/small practice, innovative family law practice, entrepreneurship and business models, systems thinking, my book (Lawyer Forward) |
22 | Sydney Beckman sydney.beckman@lmunet.edu |
Evidence, Technology and the Law, IP, Civil Procedure |
23 | David Haron dharon@umich.edu @Kobi69 |
False Claims Act/Qui Tam litigation |
24 | Jen Randolph Reise jen.reise@mitchellhamline.edu @Jenreise https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferreise |
Corporate, Business Law, Securities. Licensed in MN. Also: big firm and In-house practice; online legal education; teaching transactional skills |
25 | Jonathan Ginsberg ginsberg@gmail.com @jginsberg https://www.linkedin.com/in/ginsberg/ |
Social Security disability |
26 | Josh King josh.king@realself.com @joshuamking https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshking/ |
General Counsel issues (have held 3 tech co GC roles), startup law, internet law, commercial speech (esp with respect to professional responsibility issues) |
27 | Gabriella Capone gabcap1@gmail.com @thegabcap https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabriellacapone/ |
Open legal data, participatory & tech-enabled lawmaking, public crowdsourcing, open innovation in public sector |
28 | Nilesh Patel mahalaw@gmail.com @mahalaw https://www.linkedin.com/in/npp72 |
Employment Law, HR, Labor Law, Unions, Non-profit management, Small business |
29 | Jessica Birken jess@birkenlaw.com @jessbirken https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessbirken |
Nonprofits, legal innovation, solo practice, practice management, future of lawyering |
30 | A. Jason Velez jason@1law.com @1law https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajasonvelez |
Immigration, Torts, Lawyer Entrepreneurship and Legal Tech |
31 | Bashar Malkawi bmalkawi@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/bashar-h-malkawi |
International trade, GATT/WTO, Intellectual Property law, Islamic law and finance, corporations, United States, Middle East |
32 | Beth Burkstrand-Reid beth@kindredpsych.com @bethburkstrand https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/in/beth-burkstrand-reid-a691544 |
I am a former law professor specializing in family law and gender equity now turned clinical social worker. I work in my private practice with many graduate students on mental health matters. I can provide a lecture for law students on caring for their mental health during school and practice. |
33 | B. K. Agarwal brijkumaragarwal@gmail.com @B_K_Agarwal https://in.linkedin.com/in/bkagarwal |
Laws relating to Land and Property Registration, Cadastre, Property Rights in India |
34 | Angie Raymond angraymo@indiana.edu @AngRaymond https://www.linkedin.com/in/angie-raymond-7501b73 |
International and domestic arbitration, online dispute resolution, CISG and other international contract law, international institutions, information governance, privacy, online life |
35 | Nakul Goenka nakulgoenka87@gmail.com http://linkedin.com/in/nakulagoenka |
Law and Business |
36 | Alisha D. Hurwood alishahurwood@legalaid.org |
Legal services for low income, HIV and law, housing law (Florida), capital post-conviction (Florida) |
37 | Tucker Cottingham Tucker@lawyaw.com @T_Cottingham https://www.linkedin.com/in/tucker-cottingham-53b34611 |
Lawyaw is a modern cloud-based document automation platform. We went through Y Combinator in winter 2018, and have raised venture funding and can share our experience transitioning from lawyer to founder, early days of finding product-market fit, pitching and raising VC funding, etc. We also help thousands of attorneys and firms collaborate and work remotely and would be happy to talk about trends we are seeing around the future of work. |
38 | Jess Miers jmiers@scu.edu @jess_miers https://www.linkedin.com/in/jess-miers-061b3a3b/ |
Internet Law: Though I'm just a second-year law student (attending Santa Clara University School of Law), I have an expertise in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and the challenges of content moderation both for large and small Internet companies.
I would love to give a guest lecture on this topic whether it be a general overview or a deep dive into the more nuanced/complex issues of the law.
39 | Ken Hirsh ken.hirsh@uc.edu @kenhirsh https://www.linkedin.com/kenhirsh |
Law practice technology, including ethical use. Internet basics. |
40 | Jack Cohoon jcohoon@burnetteshutt.law @EmpLawJack https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackcohoon |
Employment law, poverty law, civil rights, housing. |
41 | Sara Berman sberman@accesslex.org @PASSLawProf https://www.linkedin.com/in/sara-j-berman-b7885a8/ |
Happy to talk with law students and law faculty about bar exam planning and success strategizing (from pre-law through post-graduation and everywhere in between), student success, student learning and engagement (distance and otherwise), grit and resiliency, time and distraction management, and a variety of other subjects. Happy to talk in any bar course about bar exam strategies for that course (torts, contracts, etc.)
Happy to talk with faculty about the use of MPTs in doctrinal courses, in addition to the topics discussed above.
SSRN at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2846291
42 | Peter Colin peter.colin@tr.com @colin_esq https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-colin-jr-85400728/ |
Legal technology and Innovation, blockchain and cryptocurrency (NY regulation specifically) |
43 | Kenneth Jones kjones@tktrial.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/kennethejones/ |
Wide variety of legal technology topics - I am Chief Technologist for a 100% cloud platform/infrastructure law firm in New Jersey. Panel member at the last two ILTA (International Legal Technology Association) conventions. I am a frequent writer for ALM, ABA, and others. |
44 | Jason jbeahm@beahmlaw.com @jasonbeahm |
Criminal defense and expungement (California, Bay area) |
45 | Krystal W. Smith krystal@klawsllc.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/krystal-w-smith-750b741a0 |
Family Law; Landlord/Tenant Evictions; and Wills & Advanced Directives Jurisdiction: South Carolina |
46 | Inti MartÃnez-Alemán inti@ceibaforte.com @LegalMines https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/in/intimartinezaleman |
Business litigation, practice management, paperless law firm, civil litigation |
47 | Jim Doppke jdoppke@rsmdlaw.com @JimDoppke_RSMD https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimdoppke |
Legal ethics, admissions/character & fitness (licensed IL but can speak generally), |
48 | Elizabeth Renieris erenieris@cyber.harvard.edu @hackylawyER https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabethrenieris/ |
Privacy, data protection (CIPP/E, CIPP/US), especially as they relate to blockchain and digital identity. |
49 | Tom O'Connor toconnor@gulfltc.org @Gulfltc https://www.linkedin.com/in/tom-o-connor-aa03494/ |
Technology for small firms, litigation support technology, eDiscovery. |
50 | Kimberly Stamatelos kimberlymediator@gmail.com @attorneymediate https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimberly-stamatelos-07674a14b/ |
I wrote the book "The Compassionate Lawyer" and it talks about 7 ways lawyers can be more compassionate. I speak on compassion in law, compassionate leadership for lawyers, etc. I can also speak on integrative law, creative problem-solving in family law such as collaborative law, parenting coordination, and conscious prenups. I also launched an online divorce for Iowa residents last August, UnHitchUs.com. |
51 | Abhijeet Chavan Contact me via Twitter @legalaidtech |
Technology in legal services including web, data, & AI. Focus on access to justice, self-represented litigants, tech ethics, plain language, and accessibility. |
52 | Claudia C Johnson cjohnson@probono.net @C2AJ https://www.linkedin.com/in/claudia-johnson-5a47656/ |
Access to Justice as a public policy issue; online forms; the history of legal aid tech; Cultural competency in legal settings and intake; serving LEP communities with tech; issues of race and equity in legal services |
53 | Marianna Clay mariannaclay@gmail.com |
Kentucky. Former Assistant US Attorney and Assistant Director of national advocacy center. Teach federal trial court pretrial and negotiations. Civil expertise in federal trial, speech, advocacy.Fashion law, trademarks |
54 | Olivera Medenica omedenica@dunnington.com @omedenica https://www.linkedin.com/in/olivera-medenica-ab39741/ |
Fashion law, trademarks |
55 | alan hall alan@alandhall.com @alanattyatlaw https://www.linkedin.com/in/alandhallattorneyatlaw/ |
Small law; business advisement; incorporating service into your practice |
56 | Nina G Kilbride nina@corpeninglabs.com @ninakilbride https://www.linkedin.com/in/nina-kilbride-71185610b/ |
I left an 18-year practice to become a smart contract developer in 2016, which means I had the privilege of learning to use digital technology for legal applications at the leading edge.
My specialties are commercial law & litigation, smart contract design, global financial market infrastructure, and securities law. I've produced 8 hours of NC-approved CLE units about blockchain, digital asset design, composition and management since 2016. I am currently working on a 10-hour blockchain fundamentals continuing education in association with the American Institute of CPAs. I'm licensed in NC/SC/GA, but have worked globally & virtually since 2016.
I'm currently developing digital downloads for launch at the end of month. This is not on my profile yet.
Coronavirus has me holding lawyers' hands as they transition to virtual, but we're settling cases and keeping the money flowing. Last year I built several virtual offices using privacy-by-design/HIPAA.
Happy to help if I can.
57 | Michael Dunford m.d.dunford@qmul.ac.uk @questauthority https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-dunford-03b3811a/ |
I am a current PhD student in international copyright law. My primary areas of expertise are in IP issues related to interactive entertainment (video games) law, comparative US/UK copyright, and user-generated content. I have also lectured on comparative US/UK privacy in the media context, and internet regulation, including GDPR, in Europe. |
58 | Tom James TomJames@SandersLPA.com @tom_james https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomjamesjr |
Federal & Non-Federal Crop Insurance Coverage and related ADR & litigation issues. |
59 | Brad Paladini Brad@paladinilaw.com @paladinilaw https://www.linkedin.com/bradpaladini |
Tax controversy. Or starting you're own law firm! |
60 | Paul Wright paul@thewrightlawyers.com @PFWRIGHT |
Probate and Estate Planning |
61 | Gabrielle N. Helix g.helix@alabamada.gov |
I am the Alabama Office of Prosecution Services Domestic Violence Prosecutor. I work statewide in support of law enforcement and prosecutors across the state. I educate through classes and seminars targeting LEO to Prosecutors. I also present for Clerks, Advocates, Court personnel and others who work in the area of sex crimes and domestic violence.
I teach everything from cross-cultural considerations to what prosecutors need from investigators to try cases. I do teach basic procedure and case and statutory law in my area of expertise. I teach voir dire techniques to evidence admission related to these types of crimes. I teach at a police academy and have guest lectured at high schools and Universities.
I also stay in the courtroom by taking recusal cases. I was previously an assistant district attorney assigned to the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Unit wherein I handled a full caseload of crimes against children, sex crimes, domestic violence, and elder abuse including homicides resulting from these crimes.
I am a former multidisciplinary team member co-located at the National Childrens Advocacy Center, in Huntsville, Alabama. I previously defended these types of crimes as a defense and family law attorney in private practice.
62 | Tracy Norton tnorton@tourolaw.edu @millennialprof https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracylnorton/ |
1L legal writing, legal analysis, and legal research; upper-level persuasion, rhetoric, and legal storytelling; judicial writing as persuasive writing; |
63 | Robert Varak robert@varaklaw.com @ILEstatePlan https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertjvarak/ |
Illinois Estate Planner. I will present practice tips and ethical issues arising from managing client relationships in the digital age, from communication to joint representation and document execution. |
64 | Andrea Sinner andrea.p.sinner@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-p-sinner/ |
Happy to contribute in any way that would be constructive for your students...perhaps my most recent job with the ABA's Commission on the Future of Legal Education is of interest (we could explore the recently published "Principles & Commentary" document), or maybe something from my 24 years in global client service at Accenture.
A brief version of my CV: Director of the ABA's Commission on the Future of Legal Education (2017-20); Member of Florida Bar (since 2017); JD from U of Miami School of Law (2014-17); before that, 24 years at Accenture, retired as Executive Managing Director (1990-2014); and before that, ramblin' wreck from GA Tech (industrial engineering).
65 | Lindsey Drake lindsey@ldrakelaw.com @lsdrake https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindseydrake/ |
Starting a solo practice right out of law school, Texas estate planning for small estates |
66 | Thelma Clardy thelclardy@aol.com |
Family law and probate law - Texas |
67 | Ivy Grey ivyg@wordrake.com @IvyBGrey https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivybgrey/ |
Tech competence, legal tech, remote law practice, new careers in law, legal editing and proofreading |
68 | Bree Buchanan bree1964@att.net https://www.linkedin.com/in/bree-buchanan-61897030/ |
Lawyer well-being; mental health and substance use disorders and how they impact a lawyer's duty of competence; strategies for promoting lawyer well-being; overview of lawyer well-being movement - I'm chair of the ABA Commission on Lawyers Assistance Program and founding co-chair of the National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being |
69 | Dan daniel.barnhizer@law.msu.ed |
Contracts, Commercial Law, Business Organizations, Online Teaching |
70 | Elena Helmer evh@helmer9.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/elenahelmer/ |
Anti-corruption, compliance, international arbitration |
71 | Scott Cooper scooper@schmidtkramer.com @ScottBCooperPA |
Pennsylvania personal injury and particularly auto insurance law |
72 | Mary Mack mary@edrm.net @mackmary https://www.linkedin.com/in/marymack/ |
Ediscovery, IT security |
73 | Pablo Arredondo pablo@casetext.com @tweetatpablo |
Legal research, Legal informatics |
74 | Anne Schmidt anne@anneschmidtlaw.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-schmidt-9a80216b |
ERISA, Family Law (Illinois) |
75 | Francis M. Boyer fboyer@boyerlawfirm.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/attorneyfrancismboyer?trk=people-guest_people_search-card |
international law, domestication of foreign judgment, Hague Convention cases |
76 | Sarah Tomlinson se.tomlinson23@gmail.com |
I can be a guest lecturer on the substantive areas of law in Bankruptcy, Secured Transactions, and Veterans Law. I have particular experience with rural communities, military and veteran communities, and tribal populations.
If a professor is seeking a volunteer to help judge first-year oral arguments, mock trials, or moot court classes or competitions, I am available for that as well.
77 | Mikhail Reider-Gordon Mikhail@anticorruptioneducation.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikhail-reider-gordon-ll-m-ccep-907b481/ |
FCPA; Global Anti-Corruption regime; International Law; Anti-Money Laundering - US & UK; court-appointed monitoring; law of robotics; the evolving legal framework of artificial intelligence; corporate social responsibility; private sector compliance; internal investigations; international cross-border investigations; data privacy (GDPR, CCPA); cross-border data transfer laws;
78 | Shannon Salter info@crtbc.ca @shannonnsalter https://www.linkedin.com/in/shannon-salter-55522111/ |
ODR, legal technology, legal ethics, Civil Resolution Tribunal, legal regulation, human-centred design. |
79 | Forrest Blount forrest@bridge.legal @forrestblount https://www.linkedin.com/in/forrestablount |
Legaltech MVPs, business models, regulatory challenges, and scaling. |
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Jason Tashea
Criminal justice, tech, and data; access-to-justice/poverty law and tech; AI ethics |
81 | Marianne Diaz mariannediaz@gmail.com @mariannedh https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariannediaz/?locale=en_US |
Human rights in the digital context (privacy, free speech, etcetera) particularly in the Inter-American System. |
82 | Evonne Silva evonne@codeforamerica.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/evonnemsilva/ |
Public interest law, improving the delivery of legal services, automatic criminal record clearance, civic tech |
83 | Shaun G. Jamison sjamison@purdueglobal.edu @shaunjamison https://www.linkedin.com/in/shaunjamison/ |
Privacy & Cybersecurity Law |
84 | Jeff Carr carr906@gmail.com @CarrNext https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-carr-651967a5 |
Retired General Counsel - 35+ years of experience (25+ in house, 17+ as GC of FMC Technologies & Univar Solutions). Expertise: Building and managing high-performance legal teams with a focus on delivered value to the customer. Recognized legal rebel, revolutionary and provocateur.
Vision: Every Legal Problem Can be Prevented.
Mission: Legal Optimized | Problems Prevented | Responsible Revenue Accelerated
85 | Ken Bresler ken@bresler.us @LawWritingCoach |
Advanced legal writing: some not-so-typical topics |
86 | Aaron Ting aaronting1@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaronjting |
Privacy law and technology law/policy |
87 | Tyler Holmes tsjh24@gmail.com @ksMatters https://www.linkedin.com/in/tylerholmeskc/ |
International law; rights, criminal justice, and comparative constitutional law in an African context |
88 | Olivia "Grace" Friedman oliviafriedmanjd2019@gmail.com @NFLMetaDoc https://www.linkedin.com/in/boardofadvisors/ |
Going Digital | Civil Court Mediation (10th Judicial Circuit) | ADR | ODR | CIO Law Office Support | New Board of Advisers Leadership | Phenomenal Study Spaces for Law Students | Women's Leadership and Empowerment in Non-traditional Roles | Mock Trial Prep |
89 | Danilo Murga danilo.murga@gmail.com @danilomurga http://linkedin.com/in/danilo-ernesto-murga-chacón-ab453699 |
Criminal law |
90 | Ashish Goel ashish.g@nujs.edu @ashish_nujs |
International Tax Law, Indian Constitution |
91 | Richard Samson rssamson@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-samson-6ab7956/ |
Media law (11 years as New York Times in-house counsel), intellectual property (copyright, trademark, and right of publicity law issues), entertainment law, contract drafting/negotiation, theater producing, licensing, book publishing, privacy, etc. |
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