28.6% of CALI staff named Fastcase 50 innovators.

The fine folks at Fastcase just named the Fastcase 50: "the fifty most interesting, provocative, and courageous leaders in the world of law, scholarship, and legal technology." John Mayer, CALI's Executive Director, and Sarah Glassmeyer, our soon-to-be Director of Content Development, were among those honored. ...

Which means, of course, five of CALI's seven staff were not Fastcase 50 winners. LaVonne, Sam, Deb, Elmer, and Austin would like to apologize for not being named to the list, too. We promise to try harder in 2012.

All kidding aside, we want to congratulate John and Sarah. It's a well-deserved honor, and you've earned it. John, it's pleasure to work for you. And, Sarah, we can't wait to work with you.

Speaking of our newest staff member, we've added her to the cartoon rendering of the CALI staff. Pretty cool, huh?:
