CALI Excellence for the Future Awards®

The CALI Excellence for the Future Award® program recognizes excellence achievement by law students in their studies. The award is given to the student with the highest grade in the class as determined by the instructor or registrar. Awardees receive a printed certificate and a permanent URL Virtual Award that they can link to from their online resumes or biographies.

Click the School to View the Awards

(Please Note: At the request of the law school or the student, some awards may not be viewable from this website. Check with your law school registrar first if you do not see your award here.)


Law School
Total Awards Most recently posted on
University of Alabama School of Law 4,063
Faulkner University Thomas Goode Jones School of Law 1,395
Samford University Cumberland School of Law 702


Law School
Total Awards Most recently posted on
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Leflar Law Center 53
University of Arkansas - Little Rock School of Law 1,109


Law School
Total Awards Most recently posted on
Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University 5,130
Arizona Summit Law School 1,969
University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law 2,227


Law School
Total Awards Most recently posted on
University of Connecticut Law School 5,343


Law School
Total Awards Most recently posted on
American University Washington College of Law 978
Georgetown Law 8,931
Howard University School of Law 4,761


Law School
Total Awards Most recently posted on
Atlanta's John Marshall Law School 2,341
