CHANGELOG 8/23/2017

Note: CHANGELOG is an occasional feature letting you know about changes to various CALI websites. It is mostly technical in nature but may include initial listing of new features and resources.

Updates to

  • added database tracking of downloads to CALI bookstore
  • updated AutoPublish to set default state of new resources to published
  • modified AutoPublish to send location URL back to QuizWright when a new quiz is published
  • added check to Auto Publish to prevent the same QuizWright quiz from being published more than once
  • added QuizWright link to CALI Dashboard menu for faculty, librarians, staff at member schools
  • QuizWright updates
    • added a quiz id to the XML being generated so publishing platform can talk back to authoring
    • fixed a layout issue in the question listing
    • added location and publishdate fields to the data model
    • altered UI to indicate a quiz has been published and provide links to the published version of the quiz
    • hitting the publish button in QW now immediately publishes the quiz on CALI website
    • published quizzes cannot be edited


