Spotlight Blog

Access to Justice and Technology Clinics: A 4% solution

Ronald W. Staudt and Andrew P. Medeiros argue that law schools should add Access to Justice and Technology Clinics to their curricula. With “Access to Justice and Technology Clinics: A 4% solution,” Staudt and Medeiros detail Chicago-Kent’s Justice and Technology Practicum, and explain how such clinical courses teach students traditional legal competencies, emerging technical skills, as well as other essential lessons in 21st-century lawyering, while simultaneously building A2J Guided Interviews for use by self-represented litigants.

Developing an E-Curriculum: Reflections on the Future of Legal Education and on the Importance of Digital Expertise

Oliver R. Goodenough recognizes that law schools can attract more students by adding to the value of traditional legal education. Simply put, as the market for legal services contracts, modern students desire to learn not only a set of policy, argumentation and analytic approaches to law, but also the knowledge and skills that a lawyer should have for an effective and rewarding career. In “Developing an E-Curriculum: Reflections on the Future of Legal Education and on the Importance of Digital Expertise,” 88 CHI.-KENT L. REV.

The Teaching of Law Practice Management and Technology in Law Schools: A New Paradigm – Stephanie Kimbro and Richard S. Granat

With “The Teaching of Law Practice Management and Technology in Law Schools: A New Paradigm” 88 CHI.-KENT L. REV. 757 (2013) (forthcoming), Richard S. Granat and Stephanie Kimbro analyze a deficiency in one area of traditional law school curricula and propose a solution to fix it. Because modern employers do not provide on-the-job training in law practice management, new lawyers enter the workforce without this critical knowledge.

If Only We Knew What We Know – Conrad Johnson and Brian Donnelly

In “If Only We Knew What We Know,” 88 CHI.-KENT L. REV. 729 (2013) (forthcoming), Conrad Johnson and Brian Donnelly examine the broader themes surrounding law and technology raised in this symposium by looking at lawyering and knowledge management. Most lawyering duties, if not all, can be understood within the context of gathering, managing and presenting information. This article explains both the theory and practice of an IT-based clinical course in legal knowledge management.

William E. Hornsby, Jr. – Gaming the System: Approaching 100% Access to Legal Services Through Online Games

The American Legal System falls short of providing access to justice for all. With “Gaming the System: Approaching 100% Access to Legal Services through Online Games,” 88 CHI.-KENT L. REV. 917 (2013) (forthcoming), William E. Hornsby, Jr. proposes that law schools can alleviate this problem by developing online games that would increase engagement with the law and improve understanding of the circumstances under which legal solutions are available.

Marc Lauritsen – Liberty, Justice, and Legal Automata

Marc Lauritsen, co-editor of the “Justice, Lawyering, and Legal Education in the Digital Age” symposium, believes that the application of unauthorized practice of law regulations to restrict the use of automated legal systems is bad public policy. But he also argues in his submission to the symposium, “Liberty, Justice, and Legal Automata,” 88 CHI.-KENT L. REV. 945 (2013) (forthcoming), that such restrictions by courts could also be a violation of the programmers’ First Amendment rights.

CALIcon Raffle and Thank You to Our Sponsors!

There’s lots of great learning and social opportunities as CALIcon, but you also get the chance to win [cue game show announcer's voice] lots of FABULOUS PRIZES.  iPads, Raspberry Pis, Chromebooks, giftcards…there is a veritable cornucopia of gifts for you to win! So now you’re probably wondering, “SARAH! HOW DO I GET IN ON THIS FABULOUS ACTION?”

Actually, you probably didn’t yell it because I’m sure you were raised right.
