Spotlight Blog

The Future of Legal Education Reading List

We at CALI have been thinking a lot about the future of legal education.

John Mayer, our Executive Director, compiled this fairly comprehensive collection of links to articles, books, blog posts and other materials that relate to how things are changing in legal education, law practice, and higher education.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on the Future of Legal Education and other suggested readings. Tweet us @CALILawSchool.

New Webinars: Lots of Guest Presenters & Interesting Topics

We're starting webinars again next week after a little break. We're excited to bring you some great content and guest presenters in the next few weeks -- as always on Fridays at 3 PM EDT. Click the links to reserve your spot:

Oct 23: Advanced Twitter (Twitter from a Law School Communications Director's Perspective Part II)

To effectively master Twitter, there is a lot you need to do beyond what we covered in our first Twitter webinar. Tonya Oaks Smith, Director of Communications at the UALR Bowen School of Law, will present on advanced Twitter topics as a follow-up to her popular August webinar.

Alternatives to Course Management Software Webinar

Sarah Glassmeyer, Reference Librarian at the University of Kentucky, will cover free alternatives to course management software such as wikis and blogs in this coming Friday's webinar.

Follow the link below to reserve your seat today if you have not already:

Friday, Sep 18, 3 EDT:
Free Alternatives to Course Management Software (Blogs and Wikis)

Access CALI Lessons For 6 Months After Graduation

Because of the tight job market, many CALI member schools have asked us if their recent grads can continue to access CALI Lessons to keep skills sharp.

We are happy to announce that CALI will, by default, extend CALI Lesson access for at least six months after students at member schools have graduated.

To access CALI Lessons, recent grads can simply login at using the same CALI account they used while in school.

Plagiarism & Punctuation/Grammar Lessons: Great First Assignments for New Students

Plagiarism and Punctuation and Grammar: at every school these are basic issues that absolutely must be addressed for your new students. But there is only so much in-class time to devote to these issues.

We highly recommend school administrators, faculty, and students take a look at CALI's Plagiarism Lesson by Prof. Rebecca Trammell and Punctuation and Grammar, Basic and Advanced, Lessons by Prof. Wayne Sheiss.

Upcoming Webinars:Twitter in Law School

We have two guest presenters for upcoming webinars on law school professionals' use of Twitter.

1) Friday, August 7, 3 PM Eastern

Twitter from a Law School Communications Professional's Perspective - Tonya Oaks Smith (@marleysmom), Director of Communications at the UALR Bowen School of Law (@bowenlaw). More details...

Reserve your seat at this webinar now.

