Have a look at this article about A2J Author written by Ron Staudt; Associate Vice President, Law, Business and Technology and Professor of Law at Chicago-Kent.
[A] real success story has emerged based in part on my persistent optimism that technology can improve the delivery of legal services. A2J Author, a modest software tool that allows lawyers to build guided Internet interviews for prospective clients, has been adopted across the United States and in several foreign countries as an interface for public access to legal processes. This Article describes the origin of A2J Author as a collaboration by courts, legal aid agencies, and funding sources. The Article explores the combination of factors that produced this technology, which successfully attacks barriers to access to justice. Finally, the Article speculates on whether A2J Author can begin to transform the delivery of legal aid and government services to low income people.
The article will be published in the Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review.
Read Prof. Staudt's full A2J article here.