CALI Lessons

CALI Lessons are our most popular and widely used learning tool. They are computer-based, interactive tutorials that cover narrow topics of law. Browse our library of over 1,200 CALI Lessons

Students, staff, professors, and employees of all CALI member schools and organizations get unlimited, free access to CALI Lessons through our website.

Some important features:

  • Written by experienced law faculty and law librarians who teach in that subject area.
  • Reviewed by an editorial board of law professors to ensure quality.
  • Short, focused lessons. These can be easily sequenced into a syllabus and are a small time commitment - usually around 45 minutes - for busy law students.
  • Professors have ability to track students' usage and scores with LessonLink.
  • Student lesson runs and scores will be saved automatically and stored in students' "My Lesson Runs" account profile sections.
  • Faculty members can edit or self-publish their own lessons with CALI Author.
  • CALI Lessons work on mobile devices like iPads and iPhones.
  • Students love them; they run our lessons over one million times annually.

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