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Revised for Fall 2023

Sources of American Law: An Introduction to Legal Research, by Beau Steenken and Tina Brooks (Seventh Edition)

Sales and Leases: A Problem-based Approach, by Scott J. Burnham and Kristen Juras (Second Edition)

Basic Income Tax, by William Kratzke (2023-2024 Edition)

New for Fall 2023

Legal Writing Handbook for Clinical Students, by Nan Haynes (includes online interactive exercises)

Revised for Spring 2024

Corporate Tax, by William Kratzke (2023-2024 Edition)

Revised for Fall 2024

Bankruptcy Law and Practice, by Gregory Germain (Fifth Edition)

Sources of American Law: An Introduction to Legal Research, by Beau Steenken and Tina Brooks (Eighth Edition)

Criminal Law: An Integrated Approach, by Alice Ristroph (includes interactive questions) (Second Edition)

Wetlands Law: A Course Source, by Stephen M. Johnson (Fifth Edition)

New for Fall 2024

Constitutional Rights, by Jud Campbell 

Statutory Law: A Course Source, by Stephen M. Johnson

New Titles Coming in Fall 2024

Contract Doctrine, Theory & Practice, Second Edition, by J.H. Verkerke (will include videos)

New Titles Coming in Spring 2025

Social Media Law, by Thaddeus Hoffmeister (will include interactive questions) 

Constitutional Law: Individual Rights, by Steven Schwinn (will include interactive questions)

Constitutional Law: Structure and Governance, by Steven Schwinn (will include interactive questions)

Copyright Law, by Christopher Holman (will include interactive questions)

Business Legal Research, by Nicholas Norton (will include interactive questions)

Legal Argumentation: Reading and Writing about the Law, by Brian Larson, et. al.

Race, Racism, and US Law, by Jennifer Wriggins, Sarah Wolff, and John Nidiry

New Titles Coming in Summer 2025

Handbook on Motion Practice, by Nan Haynes and Katrin Rowan (will include interactive questions)

New Titles Coming in Fall 2025

A Law School Survival Guide for Neurodivergent Students, by Mari Cheney, Annalee Hickman, Geraldine Kalim, and Julia Pluta

Client Interviewing and Counseling, by Barb Glesner FInes and Jerry Organ

Postconviction Remedies, by LaJuana Davis, Sean O'Brien, and Amanda Rogers


Visit eLangdell® Press to see all OER titles available.

Revised May 22, 2024