- This Subject Outline allows you to search for terms of art that correspond to topics you are studying to find related CALI Lessons.
- The Contracts Index lists all CALI lessons covering Contracts.
Subject Outline
- eLangdell Press® casebooks - Free with a Creative Commons license so you can select and mix the materials you want
American Contract Law for a Global Age, Professors Franklin G. Snyder & Mark Edwin Burge
The Story of Contract Law: Formation (1st semester), Professor Val D. Ricks
The Story of Contract Law: Implementing the Bargain (2nd semester), Professor Val D. Ricks
Contract Doctrine, Theory & Practice - Second Edition, Professor J H ("Rip") Verkerke
Screencast Videos for Contract Doctrine, Theory & Practice - Second Edition
- Introduction
- Statutory Interpretation
- Overview and Sources of Contract Law
- Formation
- Offer and Acceptance
- Mutual Assent
- Invitations to Negotiate and other Expressions that are not Offers
- Written Agreement Contemplated v. Written Memorialization
- Letters of Intent and Other Formal Preliminary Agreements
- Express and Implied Contracts
- Bilateral and Unilateral Contracts
- Offer
- Duration of Offers
- Option Contracts and Firm Offers
- Acceptance
- Formation of Contracts under UCC Art. 2
- Battle of the Forms (UCC 2-207)
Battle of the Forms (UCC 2-207) (CON64)
Battle of the Forms (UCC 2-207) Podcast (CON64P)
UCC § 2-207: Formation of the Contract: Discussions in Contracts Podcast (CON64_1P)
UCC § 2-207: Finding the Terms of the Contract: Discussions in Contracts Podcast (CON64_2P)
UCC § 2-207: Written Confirmations: Discussions in Contracts Podcast (CON64_3P)
- Indefiniteness
- Mailbox Rule
- Consideration
- The Bargain Theory
Consideration: The Basics of Consideration and the Bargain Theory (CON67)
The Basics of Consideration and the Bargain Theory: Discussions in Contracts (CON67P)
- Gift Promises
- "Past" Consideration
- "Illusory" Contracts
- Contracts Enforceable Without a Bargain
- Promises Under Seal
- Statutes Dispensing With Consideration
- Reliance (Promissory Estoppel)
- The Bargain Theory
- Defenses
Defenses (CON12)
Defenses Overview: Discussions in Contracts Podcast (CON12P)
- Void, Voidable, and Unenforceable Contracts
- Illegal Promises
- Lack of Capacity
- Duress and Undue Influence
- Unjust Terms (Unconscionability)
- Fraud and Misrepresentation
- Misunderstanding and Mistake
- Statute of Frauds
- Offer and Acceptance
- Performance and Breach
- What are the Obligations?
- Parol Evidence Rule
- Interpretation
- Implied Terms (Gap-fillers)
- Good Faith
- UCC Warranties
- Covenants, Warranties, Representations, and Conditions
- Have the Obligations been discharged?
- Modification
- Accord & Satisfaction
- Unanticipated Events
- Rescission
- Waiver
- Release
- Conditions: Does an event have to occur before an obligation is due?
Conditions (CON20)
- Definition and Classification
Conditions (CON20)
- Express Conditions
- Implied Conditions
- Excuse of the Effect of Conditions
Conditions (CON20)
- Excuse of Conditions
- Breach
- Material and Immaterial Breach
- Perfect Tender Rule
- Installment Contracts (UCC 2-612)
- Breach by Anticipatory Repudiation
- Assurances (UCC 2-609)
- Risk of Loss (UCC 2-509)
- What are the Obligations?
- Remedies
- Remedies for Breach of Contract
An Introduction to Contract Remedies (CON42)
Contract Tutorials on Remedies - Overhead and Profit (CON08_07)
Equitable Remedies - An Overview (REM02)
Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Remedies: Discussions in Contracts Podcast (CON83P)
- Specific Performance
- Expectation Damages
- Certainty
- Foreseeability
- Mitigation
- Measuring Expectation: The Cost of Completion
- Substantial Performance
- Reliance
- Restitution
- Liquidated Damages
- UCC Remedies
UCC Remedies: An Introduction (CON49)
UCC Remedies: Seller's Remedies When Buyer is in Breach (CON48)
UCC Remedies: Buyer's Remedies When the Seller is in Breach (CON50)
ITT v LTX. An Interactive Exploration of UCC Article 2 (SAL01)
Contract Tutorials on Remedies - UCC Damage Rules (CON08_05)
Contract Tutorials on Remedies - UCC Damage Rules for Buyers (CON08_06)
- Remedies for Breach of Contract
- Third Parties
- Third Party Beneficiaries
- Assignment and Delegation
- Additional Topics
- Drafting Contracts
- Choice of Law
- United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG)
- Law and Economics
- Notice and Knowledge
- Tortious Interference
- Electronic Transactions