- This Subject Outline allows you to search for terms of art that correspond to topics you are studying to find related CALI Lessons.
- The Trademark Index lists all CALI lessons covering Trademark.
Subject Outline
- Types of Marks
- Policy & Overview
- Service marks
- Certification & collection marks
- Subject Matter of a Mark
- Word & General Overview
- Design Marks & Composite Marks
- Trade Dress (including Product Configuration)
- Non-traditional marks (color, sound, fragrance)
- Functionality
- Distinctiveness
- Inherently Distinctive, Descriptive, & Generic Terms
- Acquired Distinctiveness through Secondary Meaning
- Surnames & Foreign Words
- Geographic Marks
- Prior Use as a Bar to Registration
- Determining "prior use" in USA and foreign
- Creation and Scope of Exclusive Rights
- Overview of Use
- Geographic scope of rights
- Competing goods & related goods and scope of protection
- First Sale & Exhaustion
- Ownership
- Initial ownership
- Abandonment by non-use
- Assignment and Licensing
- Registration and Related Rights
- Process of Registration
- Actual Use (§ 1(a))
- Intent to Use (§ 1(b))
- Principal & Supplemental Register
- Concurrent registration (§ 2(d))
- Bars to Registration
- Opposition
- Effects or Ramifications of Registration
- Maintenance of Registration
- Section 8
- Renewal
- Benefits of Registration
- Incontestability
- Constructive Use
- Presumptions from Registration
- Cancellation - See Remedies
- Process of Registration
- Infringement
- Likelihood of confusion
- Initial Interest Confusion
- Post- Sale Confusion
- Confusion as to Endorsement, Sponsorship or Association
- Reverse Confusion
- Contributory and Vicarious Infringement
- Defenses
- Fair and Nominative Use
- First Amendment
- Valid license
- Statute of limitations
- Acquiescence
- Laches
- Unclean hands
- Remedies
- Injunctions
- Damages & Profits
- Seizures & Destruction of Goods
- Cancellation
- Counterfeiting
- Dilution
- What is Dilution?
- Trademark Dilution: Defining Dilution and its Elements (TM16) (Lesson has been removed for revisions)
- Eligibility
- Proving Dilution
- Defenses & Remedies
- What is Dilution?
- Cybersquatting
- International Aspects
European Union Trademark Basics (TM26)
Trademarks in the European Union: Advanced Topics (TM27)
- Section 44
- Madrid
- Extraterritoriality
- Grey Market Imports
- Rights Made Under Treaties
- Rights under Foreign Laws