How do I print my CALI Lesson certificate?

There are two ways to print your CALI Lesson certificate.

  1. After you have completed every page in a lesson or clicked the "complete the lesson" link in the lesson's table of content, you will be taken to the final page of the lesson. This is the certificate. At the bottom there is a button that says, "Print this score." Click to print.
  2. On the same page as in the instruction above, there is a button that says, "Finalize this score." Click this and your score will be finalized. It also means that you will not be able to resume the lesson. At any time you may go to either your "Current Lesson Runs" (for lessons that you have taken this semester) or "Past Lesson Runs" for all other lessons. Click on the percentage score for the lesson you would like a certificate for. This will take you to a detailed score report. There will be a link to "Print Certificate."