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U.C.C. § 2-207: Finding the Terms of the Contract: Discussions in Contracts Podcast

The topic of this podcast is U.C.C. § 2-207 Finding the Terms of the Contract. This podcast is the second in a series of three podcasts about § 2-207 of the Uniform Commercial Code, a section often referred to as the Battle of the Forms. The first podcast covered Formation of the Contract. It would probably be helpful to listen to that one before listening to this one. The third podcast covers Written Confirmations. At the conclusion of this podcast you should be able to (1)  identify which form comes from the offeror and which from the offeree; (2) identify the additional and different terms in the offeree’s form; (3) analyze whether an additional term is part of the contract under subsection (2), and if there is a different term, you should be able to explain the three rules that different jurisdictions use to determine the terms of the contract. 


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