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Clean Air Act Stationary Sources and Criteria Pollutants

This lesson will introduce you to the technology-based emissions limitations for the criteria air pollutants that apply to stationary sources regulated under the Clean Air Act.

It can act as an introduction to the subject, or you can use this lesson as part of a review of Clean Air Act stationary source regulation at the end of your studies of the Clean Air Act or before your final exam. No outside resources are required to complete this lesson. However, this lesson assumes that you are already familiar with Clean Air Act "stationary sources" in general; if you aren't, you should complete the lesson entitled "Regulated Sources Under the Clean Air Act" before continuing this lesson.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the lesson, the student will be able to:

  1. Identify the seven criteria pollutants currently designated under the Clean Air Act.
  2. Explain the air quality standards that the EPA established, based on the air quality criteria, as the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).
  3. Discuss emissions standards imposed on stationary sources that emit criteria pollutants including the individual states’ Air Quality Control Regions (AQCRs) status, the stationary source's status (new or existing), and the amounts of specific criteria pollutants that the stationary source is emitting.
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