Credit cards allow the cardholder to make purchases without using cash since the purchases are made with debt. The terms of the lending arrangement are governed by the agreement between the cardholder and the issuer, but federal regulations play an important part. In this lesson we will look at issuance of credit cards, disclosure requirements, use of credit cards, and the risk of error and loss on credit cards.
Read moreThis lesson is designed to teach you how to figure out whether a person is a Holder in Due Course. It can be used as an introduction or for reinforcement. It would be best if you did the following lessons before this one: What is a Negotiable Instrument; Travel of a Negotiable Instrument; and The Cast of Characters in Negotiable Instruments.
Read moreThis lesson can be used to introduce you to the benefits of being a holder in due course or to reinforce your knowledge if you have already received an introduction elsewhere.
Read moreThis is the sixth in a series of lessons, by this author, covering the basics of negotiable instruments law. It explains the obligations that one incurs by becoming a party to a negotiable instrument, whether as a maker, drawer, indorser, or acceptor.
Read moreThis lesson addresses two questions: (1) What is a negotiable instrument? (2) Why does it matter if something is a negotiable instrument? This lesson can be used to introduce you to the topic of negotiable instruments and to these two subjects. It can also be used to review and reinforce knowledge you have already acquired.
Read moreThis lesson introduces the student to the doctrine and processes involved in interpreting state and federal statutes. Statutes are a critical part of every substantive area of the law, so this is important background for every student, legal professional, lawyer and judge.
Read moreThis lesson will teach you the sometimes confusing rules governing negotiation of instruments under Article 3 of the UCC. Among other things, you will learn what one needs to do to become a holder of an instrument, how instruments are negotiated, and what is necessary for an effective indorsement. If you are already familiar with this material, the lesson can be completed quickly, giving you a good pre-exam review and pointing out any weaknesses in your knowledge.
Read moreThe goal of this lesson is to introduce the basic documents involved in a letter of credit transaction by studying one particular transaction.
Read moreThis lesson is designed to be used either as an introduction or as a review of the parties who are involved with negotiable instruments governed by Article 3 of the Uniform Commercial Code. This lesson will teach you to identify the various players who are involved in the use of negotiable instruments. It can be used to introduce you to these players, help you sort them out, or to reinforce what you already understand.
Read moreBank debit cards (sometimes called bank cards or ATM cards) may look like credit cards, but they do not typically have the same features or provide the same protections against loss. Debit cards are associated with a checking (or savings) account owned by the customer. In this lesson we will look at issuance of debit cards, disclosure requirements, imposition of overdraft fees, and the handling of errors and losses on debit cards.
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