
  1. Lesson

    This lesson will familiarize you with primary and secondary sources available in Idaho. It covers the Idaho primary law including the Idaho Constitution, statutes, legislative history, municipal codes, administrative law, and court decisions. The secondary sources portion of the lesson provides a general overview of secondary sources and how you can use them in your research as well as coverage of Idaho specific secondary sources.

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  2. Lesson

    This is a lesson on the equitable defense of unclean hands. The first part of the lesson is designed to introduce the basics of the concept for students before and during its study in class. The "Review" questions at the end are an aide for students who have completed their study, either through class work or this lesson. Students who want simply to review in anticipation of a final exam can go straight to the Review materials and backtrack only as necessary for understanding questions missed.

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  3. Lesson

    This lesson covers secondary source research for the State of Washington. The lesson introduces students to secondary sources through a hypothetical research problem.

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  4. Lesson

    This lesson explores those costs that qualify as § 162 education expenses.

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  5. Lesson

    This lesson will review how costs can be deducted for insurance compensations for casualty losses and accidents. Questions cover IRS Code section 165 and its regulations.

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  6. Lesson

    This lesson will introduce the reader to secondary research sources for Iowa legal research. The lesson will begin with a discussion of finding aids, and will then transition to a discussion of the following secondary resources: Treatises & Practice Materials, Legal Periodicals & Restatements, and sources for Iowa Legal Forms. The lesson is primarily intended as an introduction to these sources but can also be used as a refresher for the seasoned Iowa attorney.

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  7. Lesson

    This lesson shows how to research Alaskan state law. Topics include statutes and codes, administrative law, ethics rules, the court system, secondary sources, and cases. Using a hypothetical research problem, the lesson walks through efficient ways to find answers.

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  8. Lesson

    This is a lesson on Kentucky primary and secondary legal research.

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  9. Lesson

    This lesson will provide an overview of secondary resources used in legal research. Secondary resources are books and other material ABOUT legal subjects and issues: they discuss and explain primary resources such as cases and statutes and can be useful in assisting our understanding about specific areas of law. The student will learn about the different types of secondary resources and what secondary resources are most useful for specific types of legal research tasks.

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  10. Lesson

    In this lesson the student will learn the basic secondary sources that are specific to the state of Indiana and how to use them. No prior knowledge of Indiana law is necessary to understand this lesson; however, students interested in learning more about legal research in Indiana law are invited to peruse the companion CALI lesson on Indiana Primary Resources.

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