
  1. Lesson

    This lesson provides an introduction into Oregon legal research sources and methods. Using a hypothetical about recreational marijuana, the lesson shows you how to research Oregon law.

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  2. Lesson

    If you are just starting law school, or thinking about doing so soon, it can often feel like you need to learn a foreign language. Not to mention all the abbreviations, odd acronyms, and more! This lesson is designed to help you get started on mastering the brand new language that is the field of law.

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  3. Lesson

    Course selection plays a critical role in your success at law school. If you choose poorly, it can hurt your law school experience, your GPA, and your future career options. In this lesson, we provide you with a four-step process to help you make smart course selection choices each semester.

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  4. Lesson

    This lesson explores one of the fundamental lawyering skills, which is to think like a lawyer, or analyze. Students will go through basic analysis exercises, so they can master this technique prior to writing exams. This lesson also includes video commentary from the author that expands on the material in the lesson.

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  5. Lesson

    This lesson introduces students to secondary resources for Arizona legal researchers.

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  6. Lesson

    This lesson will introduce you to important secondary sources for Oklahoma legal research and help you develop strategies for using secondary sources to research Oklahoma legal questions. This lesson is intended to supplement the CALI Lesson on Oklahoma primary sources. In addition to the important Oklahoma secondary sources covered in this lesson, researchers should also be aware of secondary resources that are not Oklahoma specific. For information on secondary resources generally, see the CALI Lesson "Introduction to Secondary Resources."

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  7. Lesson

    This is an introductory lesson about using District of Columbia secondary sources. The secondary sources that are featured in this lesson will help students when they are searching for pertinent discussion and information about District of Columbia law and references to relevant District of Columbia primary sources of law.

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  8. Lesson

    This lesson examines the ethical issues associated with, and tools available for, researching parties, witnesses, and jurors on social media sites.

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  9. Lesson

    When conducting legal research, it is frequently better to begin with secondary sources that explain and interpret the law rather than attempting to start with primary legal authority. Legal periodicals are excellent secondary source starting points. This lesson introduces strategies and resources to find legal periodicals in support of legal research projects.

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  10. Lesson

    This lesson considers the differences between the various comparative fault schemes found in different jurisdictions. It begins by considering in what respects the plaintiff's conduct is being compared with the defendant's conduct. Next, it introduces students to the three main types of comparative fault schemes before going on to illustrate when and how they lead to different results, with particular reference to aggregation of defendants' fault.

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