This is one of a series of lessons on homicide. Earlier lessons provide an overview of the crime of homicide, and individual lessons focus on such topics as murder, manslaughter and other crimes. This lesson focuses on the so-called unlawful act manslaughter doctrine. The lesson is intended for students who have studied this doctrine in class and who wish to refine their knowledge of the topic.
Read moreThis lesson is designed to familiarize the user with materials used in Minnesota legal research. The focus of the lesson is Minnesota's primary source materials.
Read moreThis lesson focuses on issues relating to injunctions against speech. It is designed for students who have studied these issues in class, and who have a strong working knowledge of the material, but who wish to further refine and develop their understanding.
Read moreThis lesson is designed to familiarize law students with legal materials that can be used when preparing for litigation. Rather than creating from scratch many of the documents needed in preparing for a trial, it is much more efficient to find sample documents that can help guide you. Students will be introduced to the various sources that attorneys turn to, including sample forms, pleadings, interrogatories, and other useful resources. Examples are drawn from Kentucky, Ohio, and New York.
Read moreThis lesson will show you the basic tools for finding United Nations materials. It first gives an overview of how the United Nations is organized. It includes descriptions of each of the principal organs of the U.N. and an overview of the United Nations document numbering system. It then shows online tools for United Nations research: the U.N.'s website; the Official Document System; and the U.N. Digital Library.
Read moreThis lesson is designed to assist the beginning Property student with analyzing the numerous potential questions arising when one encounters a real covenant or equitable servitude. The lesson addresses the questions of what might make a validly created covenant or equitable servitude invalid or unenforceable and what factors influence whether a restriction applies to offending conduct.
Read moreThis lesson provides an introductory overview of adverse possession.
Read moreThis lesson is intended to familiarize the user with Colorado primary legal research materials.
Read moreThis lesson teaches the basics of class action procedure under Federal Rule 23. The lesson focuses on the requirements of Rules 23(a) and 23(b). (It does not cover jurisdictional issues, appeals, issues of class management, or class settlement.)
Read moreThis lesson deals with the formation of contracts under Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code (excluding § 2-207 issues). Under UCC § 2-204, a contract can be formed in any manner sufficient to show agreement, even if the parties leave open terms. This lesson will explore the effect of the difference in formation between common law and Article 2.
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