
  1. Lesson

    This lesson is best used after studying the material in class. Unlike many of CALI's other lessons, this lesson takes a more problem oriented approach to learning the material. The lesson provides students with additional problem sets to work through, allowing students to refine their ability to apply the Code and Regs. to a variety of situations.

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  2. Lesson

    This lesson is best used after studying the material in class. Unlike many of CALI's other lessons, this lesson takes a more problem oriented approach to learning the material. The lesson provides students with additional problem sets to work through, allowing students to refine their ability to apply the Code and Regs. to a variety of situations.

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  3. Lesson

    This lesson focuses on problems related to injunctions against crimes and against criminal prosecutions.

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  4. Lesson

    This lesson covers the role of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in enforcing the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), known formally as Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR). Title 14 CFR has numerous parts that are organized by category of operation; that is, categories include: pilots and instructors, aircraft operators, aircraft manufacturers, and space transportation.

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  5. Lesson

    The second lesson on UCC Article 2A covers the special rules for finance leases and consumer leases.

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  6. Lesson

    This lesson was written as a review of the material covered in Chapter 10 of the CALI e-book Wetlands Law: A Course Source.

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  7. Lesson

    This lesson is an overview of how to research international patent law. It will cover both how to find sources of patent laws for countries besides the United States, and how to find sources of multi-national laws, such as treaties and other agreements, that govern the enforcement and regulation of patents between countries.

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  8. Lesson

    Most law students do not know what professors expect on law school exams. Students wonder what will score more points. In general, law school exam answers that score the highest tend to use a specific deductive argument structure. This lesson explains deductive argument structure and how to employ it on an exam.

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  9. Lesson

    This lesson will acquaint you with the sources of international environmental law, and give you strategies for researching it.

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  10. Lesson

    This lesson will introduce you to researching foreign law.

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