This tutorial will provide an overview of the regulation of commercial dog breeders pursuant to the Animal Welfare Act. This lesson is a beginner level tutorial.
Read moreThis lesson will introduce you to real estate brokers and familiarize you with: 1) the traditional relationship between real estate brokers and the parties to real estate transactions; 2) the duties that arise from that relationship; and 3) the effects of the breach of that duty.
Read moreThis lesson, part one of three lessons on searches and seizures with a warrant, addresses issuance of warrants. This involves basic principles about search and arrest warrants, who can issue them, the "preference" for warrants, and concepts of probable cause, particularity and nexus. The second lesson concerning warrants, "Searches and Seizures with a Warrant: Issuance of the Warrant 2" includes a detailed example of an application for a search warrant and the search warrant issued based on this application. These provide opportunities to identify potential shortcomings in both documents.
Read moreThis lesson reviews Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966), one of the most well known and important cases ever decided by the United States Supreme Court.
Read moreThis lesson covers the historical evolution of Congress's authority to enact legislation pursuant to the Commerce Clause. Congress's contemporary Commerce Clause authority is covered in a separate lesson.
Read moreThis lesson provides a review of the doctrine of prior appropriation, the water law system that dominates in the western part of the United States.
Read moreThis lesson covers Congress's authority to enact legislation pursuant to the Commerce Clause under the Supreme Court's rulings since 1995.
Read moreThis lesson provides a review of federal reserved rights for students who have covered that doctrine in a Water Law, Natural Resources Law, or Advanced Property course.
Read moreAs of the beginning of 2010, Congress had not enacted comprehensive federal legislation to address climate change. Nevertheless, a number of plaintiffs--mostly non-governmental organizations, or NGOs--have been using litigation to attempt to educate the public and prompt effective responses.
Read moreThis is the last of five CALI lessons on climate change. It explores the ways in which litigants and agencies have tried to use existing federal environmental statutes -- the Clean Air Act, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Endangered Species Act, and the Clean Water Act -- to address climate change.
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