This lesson is designed to teach you the terms, i.e., the words of art, you will need to understand if you are studying Article 3 of the UCC which governs negotiable instruments.
Read moreThis is the first of two of lessons about section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933, the process for registering securities.
Read moreThis lesson covers the basics of both spousal and child support jurisdiction. It is intended as an introduction to the materials and it can also be used for review.
Read moreThis lesson is an examination of the constitutional law aspects of Family Law. It builds upon lessons which provide a review of Constitutional Law in the Family Law context, but is much more detailed. It is intended as a supplement and review of constitutional doctrine as it occurs in specific Family Law areas such as marriage, divorce, parenting, procreation, sexuality, the rights of minors, and end-of life issues.
Read moreThis lesson discusses the causes of dissolution of partnerships and the Article 7 buyout right under the Revised Uniform Partnership Act (RUPA). It also discusses the liability of a dissociated partner for partnership obligations and the liability of the partnership for the post-dissociation actions of the partner.
Read moreThis lesson takes a look at the basic aspects of the contractual element of Consideration. In a typical transaction, the consideration (described as a bargained-for-exchange) is what induces the making of the promise by the offeror. In turn, the promise induces the furnishing of the consideration by the offeree. Consideration is the ordinary means for justifying the enforcement of the promises by the parties. This lesson sets out the basic requisites for establishing consideration.
Read moreThis lesson is designed to help students understand the basics of three statutes that govern the removal of civil actions from state to federal court: 28 U.S.C. § 1441 (removal of civil actions), § 1446 (removal procedure) and § 1447 (procedure after removal). It consists of both explanatory text and problems and is divided into three sections. Students can complete all three sections at the same time or do each section separately.
Read moreThis lesson is intended to be used as both an introduction to Child Custody Jurisdiction and as a review for students who have already studied the material.
Read moreThis lesson provides an introduction to accounting, which should be valuable for students taking business associations, corporations, and other transactional courses.
Read moreThis lesson is designed to help students understand notice and service of process. It covers the constitutional standard for notice as articulated by the U.S. Supreme Court and service of process under Rule 4 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (Rule 4).
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