
  1. Podcast

    This podcast discusses early warning signs that a law student may be struggling, and gives advice on how to effectively overcome these struggles. The podcast addresses students who may be experiencing difficulty understanding the material as well as students who are having a hard time keeping up with the volume of work.

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  2. Podcast

    This podcast provides 10 practical tips and best practices, along with common mistakes you can avoid, for law school essay exam writing.

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  3. Podcast

    In this podcast, four Academic Support professionals provide strategies for dealing with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic while in law school. The pandemic introduced even greater uncertainty into an already stressful environment. This podcast provides tools to succeed at law school during these unprecedented times.                     

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  4. Podcast

    Acknowledging that law school is a competitive environment, this podcast catalogs areas of law school that are most competitive. And, it provides four tips for doing your best in law school.

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  5. Podcast

    Professors Brown and Grohman, are the authors of many CALI lessons. Additionally, both teach 1L courses.

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  6. Podcast

    The topic of this podcast explains what an indorsement is, the different types of indorsements and why they can be important. Indorsements are covered in Article 3 of the Uniform Commercial Code, which is tested by a number of

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  7. Podcast

    The topic of this podcast is who a holder is, how someone becomes a holder, and why it is important. This topic deals with instruments, typically paper checks and promissory notes.

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  8. Podcast

    The topic of this podcast is who has responsibility for losses involving imposters and fictitious payees. This topic deals with instruments, typically paper checks and promissory notes.

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  9. Podcast

    The topic of this podcast is to address the liability that arises when there is a fraudulent signature on an instrument, as well as the effect of alterations and negligence.

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  10. Podcast

    The topic of this podcast is who is a holder in due course, how someone becomes a holder in due course, and why it’s important.

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