This lesson is designed to help law students develop their abilities to handle legal research assignments. Students who have some experience doing legal research or who have completed their first year legal research course will benefit the most. Legal Research Methodology may also be used to supplement the learning process for students studying legal research for the first time.
Read moreThis lesson will assist the student both in reviewing effective legal research techniques and learning something about Social Security disability, an area of law not often studied in law school. To accomplish this the student will examine a real life fact scenario in order to navigate the primary and secondary resources in this area.
Read moreIn this lesson, "The Definition of Hearsay and the Federal Rules Part I: Substantive Rules and Hearsay Dangers" the focus is on basic, non-controversial distinctions between hearsay and non-hearsay, which should be correct in any jurisdiction.
Read moreThese interactive problems are intended to be used with CANINE Chapter 14 (The Nitty Gritty of Filing), but they also may be used alone. To see the entire textbook - CANINE: Complete Article Nine, click here.
Read moreThis lesson is a review of visitation and relocation issues. The lesson can be used to introduce or review these topics. Students should be familiar with basic principles of custody determinations.
Read moreThis lesson will familiarize students with the "Unocal Doctrine", a standard of judicial review under Delaware law. The Unocal doctrine applies to a board's defensive conduct when opposing a hostile takeover and attempting to prevent a change of corporate control.
Read moreThis lesson discusses judicial review of director's conflicting interest transactions under subchapter F of chapter 8 of the revised Model Business Corporation Act. The definition of "director's conflicting interest transaction" is not discussed; that is dealt with in a companion lesson, What is a Director's Conflicting Interest Transaction? The two lessons may be done in either order.
Read moreThis exercise gives a basic overview of the types of equitable remedies. You need not have read any particular materials or taken any particular law school courses in order to complete the tutorial. It can be used to provide background in your courses where equity is especially relevant or to review the types of equitable remedies for use in a remedies course.
Read moreOne of the difficult common law issues in defamation was the distinction between libel and slander. This lesson explains the differences between the two types of defamatory statements. Material is provided on the damage requirements of both. This lesson is part of a series about defamation. One should review the lesson on Basic Issues in Defamation and Privileges before working with this exercise. After finishing this one, the exercise on Constitutional Issues in Defamation should be covered.
Read moreThis lesson offers an introduction to the doctrine of functionality, which operates as a defense prohibiting anyone from claiming an exclusive right in functional shapes, elements, or aspects of a product or product packaging. The protectability or registrability of a trademark depends on a factual determination of a design's functionality. The functionality doctrine attempts to weigh the public and private interest in copying design features against a trademark owner's inherently anticompetitive objective to avoid consumer confusion.
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