
  1. Lesson

    This is an introduction to the sharing of profits and losses by partners in a general partnership. The lesson has three parts: (1) a general introduction to the default rules concerning how partners share profits and losses; (2) a discussion of partnership accounts; and (3) a discussion of the distribution rules applicable when a partnership is dissolved and its business is wound up.

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  2. Lesson

    This lesson covers the types of marks that are deemed eligible for protection under federal and state dilution laws.  Although the focus is on eligibility under the Federal Trademark Dilution Act (Lanham Act section 43(c)), there is coverage of the different types of state dilution statutes -- those based on the earlier (1964) Model State Trademark Bill (such as Massachusetts), and those based on the federal statute.

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  3. Lesson

    This lesson covers the fair use and related "nominative" fair use defenses to claims of trademark infringement.

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  4. Lesson

    This lesson provides an overview of the central role of "use" in United States trademark law. It examines how the policy justifications driving trademark law (1) justify generally requiring use to obtain and maintain trademark rights and related infringement considerations and (2) define sufficient use for those trademark law purposes. It also addresses and explains the few specific exceptions to the use requirement. The lesson assumes a basic knowledge of trademark policy, the distinctiveness classification system and infringement. 

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  5. Lesson

    This lesson explores the protection of architectural works (building designs) both under the 1976 Copyright Act and after adoption of the Architectural Works Copyright Protection Act of 1990.

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  6. Lesson

    This lesson covers some of the basic formalities of copyright: notice, registration, and deposit. Attention is given to changes wrought by the 1976 Act and the Berne Convention Implementation Act.

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  7. Lesson

    This lesson is a follow up to the European Union-Trademark Basics lesson. It presents additional information concerning two topics: "Unusual" marks and Exhaustion of trademark rights.

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  8. Lesson

    This tutorial will provide an overview of the regulation of commercial dog breeders pursuant to the Animal Welfare Act. This lesson is a beginner level tutorial.

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  9. Lesson

    This lesson will introduce you to real estate brokers and familiarize you with: 1) the traditional relationship between real estate brokers and the parties to real estate transactions; 2) the duties that arise from that relationship; and 3) the effects of the breach of that duty.

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  10. Lesson

    This lesson, part one of three lessons on searches and seizures with a warrant, addresses issuance of warrants. This involves basic principles about search and arrest warrants, who can issue them, the "preference" for warrants, and concepts of probable cause, particularity and nexus. The second lesson concerning warrants, "Searches and Seizures with a Warrant: Issuance of the Warrant 2" includes a detailed example of an application for a search warrant and the search warrant issued based on this application. These provide opportunities to identify potential shortcomings in both documents.

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