
  1. Lesson

    This lesson explores the changes to Article 2 in the 2022 Amendments to facilitate electronic transactions.

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  2. Lesson

    Interpretation involves ascertaining the meaning of the words and provisions of a contract. Article 2 of the UCC is intended not to regulate commercial activity, but to facilitate it. An important part of commerce is business practices in general and in particular, usages of trade and understandings of the parties to the contract. Therefore, this lesson emphasizes those parts of interpretation. For a broader discussion of interpretation in contract law, see the CALI Lesson Interpretation of Contracts.

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  3. Lesson

    A number of the provisions in Article 2 have special rules applicable to merchants, called the “merchant rules.” This lesson explores the definition of merchant in the UCC, key sections in Article 2 that rely on the concept of a merchant, and how different definitions of merchant apply in different provisions of Article 2.

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  4. Lesson

    A contract can contain many different types of promises, made up of both express and implied terms. Express and implied warranty terms are the subject of this lesson. When parties contract for the sale of goods, they have certain expectations about the quality of the goods to be sold. These expectations form the basis of warranties that arise under UCC Article 2. That is, what has the seller agreed to sell?

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  5. Lesson

    This lesson covers assignment of contract rights and delegation of contract duties. You can run it either as an introduction to the topic or as a review after you have studied it.

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  6. Lesson

    This lesson deals with the formation of contracts under Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code (excluding § 2-207 issues). Under UCC § 2-204, a contract can be formed in any manner sufficient to show agreement, even if the parties leave open terms. This lesson will explore the effect of the difference in formation between common law and Article 2.

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  7. Lesson

    The goal of this program is to teach a substantial amount of Article 2 through the study of a single case. This exercise begins with a warranty case, ITT v. LTX.

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  8. Lesson

    This lesson reviews the 2022 Amendments to UCC Article 2 that explain what law to apply to a "hybrid transaction" -- a transaction that involves both the sale of goods and something else. After completing the lesson, students will be able to determine whether a transaction is a hybrid transaction, which aspects predominate, and what law to apply to each aspect.

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  9. Lesson

    This lesson explores the remedies that are available in UCC Article 2 for the Buyer when the Seller is in breach. We first examine the remedies when the Seller has the goods, and then when the Buyer has the goods. This lesson may be run either as an introduction before the material is studied or as a review after it is studied.

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  10. Lesson

    A hundred years ago, a law professor said of the parol evidence rule, "There are few things darker than this or fuller of subtle difficulties." Many students and professionals who have studied the rule would agree with that assessment. Hopefully this exercise will illuminate the rule. It does so by examining the functions served by the rule, taking the user through a series of questions that can be used to resolve most issues involving the application of the rule. The Uniform Commercial Code enactment of the rule is examined in detail.

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