The topic of this podcast explains what an indorsement is, the different types of indorsements and why they can be important. Indorsements are covered in Article 3 of the Uniform Commercial Code, which is tested by a number of
Read moreThe topic of this podcast is who a holder is, how someone becomes a holder, and why it is important. This topic deals with instruments, typically paper checks and promissory notes.
Read moreCredit cards allow the cardholder to make purchases without using cash since the purchases are made with debt. The terms of the lending arrangement are governed by the agreement between the cardholder and the issuer, but federal regulations play an important part. In this lesson we will look at issuance of credit cards, disclosure requirements, use of credit cards, and the risk of error and loss on credit cards.
Read moreThe topic of this podcast is who has responsibility for losses involving imposters and fictitious payees. This topic deals with instruments, typically paper checks and promissory notes.
Read moreThis lesson is designed to teach you how to figure out whether a person is a Holder in Due Course. It can be used as an introduction or for reinforcement. It would be best if you did the following lessons before this one: What is a Negotiable Instrument; Travel of a Negotiable Instrument; and The Cast of Characters in Negotiable Instruments.
Read moreThis lesson can be used to introduce you to the benefits of being a holder in due course or to reinforce your knowledge if you have already received an introduction elsewhere.
Read moreThis is the sixth in a series of lessons, by this author, covering the basics of negotiable instruments law. It explains the obligations that one incurs by becoming a party to a negotiable instrument, whether as a maker, drawer, indorser, or acceptor.
Read moreThe topic of this podcast is to address the liability that arises when there is a fraudulent signature on an instrument, as well as the effect of alterations and negligence.
Read moreThe topic of this podcast is who is a holder in due course, how someone becomes a holder in due course, and why it’s important.
Read moreThis podcast addresses three situations where employers have responsibility for employee fraud related to instruments: (1) where there is a fraudulent indorsement on an instrument either sent to the employer or issued by the employer; (2
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