This lesson reviews the 2022 Amendments to UCC Article 2 that explain what law to apply to a "hybrid transaction" -- a transaction that involves both the sale of goods and something else. After completing the lesson, students will be able to determine whether a transaction is a hybrid transaction, which aspects predominate, and what law to apply to each aspect.
Read moreThis lesson is meant to provide you with an introduction to Connecticut primary legal materials. After you have completed this lesson, you will have a better understanding of where to find and how to use Connecticut primary law materials, including case law, statutes, and regulations.
Read moreThis lesson is designed to provide students with both an overview of Michigan primary resources and a "how to" guide to researching various Michigan primary resources. While the lesson aims to introduce the specifics of researching Michigan law to a researcher already familiar with the basics of legal research, it will also be helpful to students and professionals trying to understand those basics through the process of Michigan-specific research.
Read moreWe are all aware of the perils of poor electronic legal research skills. And, we have all heard of ways the misuse of electronic legal resources has challenged those engaged in legal practice. Though Westlaw® and Lexis® provide us with sophisticated functionality that can ease the pain of legal research, these systems do not necessarily provide the most cost efficient means of conducting research.
Read moreThe purpose of this exercise is to help students—especially first-year students—understand the process of legal analysis and improve their legal writing and legal analysis skills. Specifically, students will work on their ability to apply the law to the facts of a problem.
Read moreThis lesson will introduce you to the basic sources for finding primary law in Indiana, and how to use them.
Read moreThis lesson is designed for students taking an introductory legal research course who are already somewhat familiar with online research on Westlaw and Lexis. This lesson should be useful for students with basic or intermediate searching knowledge and experience.
Read moreThis lesson explores the remedies that are available in UCC Article 2 for the Buyer when the Seller is in breach. We first examine the remedies when the Seller has the goods, and then when the Buyer has the goods. This lesson may be run either as an introduction before the material is studied or as a review after it is studied.
Read moreThis lesson is an introduction to researching Virginia law using primary source materials, such as the Code of Virginia, Virginia state caselaw, and the Virginia Administrative Code.
Read moreThis lesson introduces Nebraska primary legal materials, focusing on the Legislative and Judicial branches.
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