
  1. Lesson

    This lesson takes a look at the basic aspects of the contractual element of Consideration. In a typical transaction, the consideration (described as a bargained-for-exchange) is what induces the making of the promise by the offeror. In turn, the promise induces the furnishing of the consideration by the offeree. Consideration is the ordinary means for justifying the enforcement of the promises by the parties. This lesson sets out the basic requisites for establishing consideration.

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  2. Lesson

    This lesson is intended to be used as both an introduction to Child Custody Jurisdiction and as a review for students who have already studied the material.

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  3. Lesson

    This lesson addresses the First Amendment protections for student speech in public elementary and secondary schools. You willl learn about the legal standards from United States Supreme Court cases that apply to different types of student speech, and how lower courts have interpreted these standards. You will then apply these standards to factual scenarios in multiple choice and essay type questions. This lesson includes the standards that apply to off-campus and online speech.

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  4. Lesson

    This lesson explores the concepts of notice and knowledge. These are important concepts in many areas of law, e.g., contracts, property, constitutional law, criminal procedure and civil procedure.

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  5. Lesson

    This lesson deals with the problem created by the Battle of the Forms. At common law, the mirror image rule requires an acceptance to be exactly like the offer. The rule is reversed under the Uniform Commercial Code, however. Under UCC § 2-207, an acceptance is still an acceptance even though it states different or additional terms from the offer. This lesson will explore the effect of such different or additional terms and when they are operative.

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  6. Podcast

    This podcast discusses the importance of collegiality and professionalism in law school and in practice, and gives concrete tips on how to practice being more professional, cooperative, and respectful in your everyday interactions.

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  7. Podcast

    Law school is a vastly different experience from undergraduate work. In this podcast, four Academic Support professionals reflect on what came as a surprise to them when they entered law school, and share things they wish they would have known then. 

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  8. Podcast

    Everyone has heard the rumors about law school. Do your first semester grades determine the job you will get after law school? Do you really not have any time to eat, shower, or see friends? In this podcast, four Academic Support professionals take on a series of law school myths. 

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  9. Podcast

    In this podcast, four Academic Support professionals discuss the importance of setting realistic expectations in law school, and provide guidance on how to do so.

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