This lesson focuses on case briefing. The lesson will guide students through cases identifying the most important part of cases to prepare for classes.
Read moreThis lesson will introduce you to the process of researching federal agency decisions. You should expect to encounter: overview of agency regulatory powers; types of agency decisions; how to find them; how to update them; and their precedential value.
Read moreThis lesson explores some of the basic issues surrounding one of our most basic constitutional rights, the right to a trial by jury.
Read moreThis lesson will instruct students about issues associated with California ballot measures including locating documents, identifying legislative intent, and examining legal challenges.
Read moreThis lesson is intended for students who have studied irreparable injury in class, and want to expand and refine their knowledge.
Read moreIn this lesson, we examine the concept of equitable discretion and gain insight into equitable precedent on the subject. This lesson was designed for use by students who have completed study of this topic in their basic remedies class, and want to further refine and expand their understanding of the concept.
Read moreThis lesson deals with the requirements for preliminary injunctive relief, and includes both temporary injunctions and temporary restraining orders. It is designed for students who have already studied this material in class, and desire to refine their understanding of the matter by applying it in various contexts.
Read moreThis lesson is intended for students who have studied restitution in class, and who wish to expand and refine their knowledge of the topic. The lesson deals with the basics of restitution (what constitutes "unjust enrichment"), and how is it measured. Little attempt is made to deal with more sophisticated aspects of restitution such as tracing, equitable liens, constructive trusts, etc.
Read moreThis lesson helps the user identify when a contract is an installment contract and understand the special rules that apply to installment contracts. The lesson is confined to installment contracts for the sale of goods, focusing on UCC sec. 2-612.
Read moreThe Statute of Frauds is among the defenses to contract formation. This exercise assists the student in determining whether a transaction is within the statute of frauds, whether the agreement is evidenced by a writing, and whether an exception applies.
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