This lesson will cover how to conduct legal research about the U.S. Constitution.
Read moreThis lesson will introduce you to the quasi-legislative process known as rulemaking. It will familiarize you with the publication system and with the sources you will access to research regulations. The lesson includes several images of Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations pages, and links to regulatory information on the Government Publishing Office's homepage. The lesson is designed to augment a substantive Administrative Law Course or an Advanced Legal Research class.
Read moreThis lesson addresses inter vivos gifts of property, focusing primarily on personal property (but with a brief discussion of inter vivos gifts of land). The lesson explores the function of the various requirements (donative intent, delivery, and acceptance) for a valid inter vivos gift and the policies implicated by the law of gifts. The lesson includes a wide variety of problems designed to test student understanding of the rules governing inter vivos gifts.
Read moreThis lesson will cover how to research the constitutions of countries besides the United States.
Read moreThis lesson explores invitations to negotiate/preliminary negotiations and other statements and expressions that are not offers, including advertisements, invitations to bid, price quotations and statements of intention. Determining whether a particular communication is an offer or preliminary negotiation (a matter determined according to the surrounding circumstances) prior to the formation of contract is essential to the determination of whether a contract exists.
Read moreThis lesson in landlord-tenant law addresses the covenant of quiet enjoyment. Topics include use of an express covenant of quiet enjoyment, including variations in wording; implication of the covenant; the scope of the covenant (protection against the landlord; persons claiming through the landlord; and paramount titleholders), actual eviction; and remedies for breach of quiet enjoyment.
Read moreThis lesson examines the duty of the landlord to deliver possession of the leased premises to the tenant. Courts have split as to whether the landlord has an implied duty to deliver actual physical possession of the property. Express lease provisions that bear on the delivery of possession are also considered. There is also a short discussion of a related topic: covenants of title in leases.
Read moreThis lesson lays the foundation for the advanced study of mortgages and financing that is based on the security of mortgage, mortgage variants, and mortgage substitutes.
Read moreThis is the first of two advanced lessons on real estate purchase options. In so doing, the lesson covers their contract nature of options and their uses.
Read moreThis is the second of two lessons about real estate purchase options. This lesson explains the problems in using purchase options that arise when the subject of the option is real estate.
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