
  1. Lesson

    This lesson demonstrates how the principles of remedies are found in the UCC and provides some guidance for working with the UCC. This lesson may be run either as an introduction before the material is studied or as a review after it is studied.

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  2. Lesson

    One of the rules that limits a plaintiff's recovery for breach of contract is the requirement that damages must be proven to a reasonable certainty. This lesson explores that principle. The lesson can be run either as an introduction to certainty or as a review after you have completed your study.

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  3. Lesson

    This exercise reviews some substantive principles of contract law and demonstrates the application of that substance to the process of drafting. The exercise begins with a form contract that the user must rewrite to suit the needs of the client. On completion, the user has reviewed applicable principles from both the common law and the U.C.C. In addition, the user has learned principles of drafting that can be applied either to revision of a form or to drafting from scratch.

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  4. Lesson

    This lesson takes a look at the Mailbox Rule. The offeror, as master of the offer, may insist that the offeree accept by means of the mail (or some similar form delivery, such as e-mail). Alternatively, the offer may not specify a means of acceptance and the offeree may decide to use the mail, where such acceptance would be permissible in accordance with the offer. This lesson sets out the ramifications of use of the mail (as well as e-mail and facsimiles, which follow the same rule). The general attributes of offer and acceptance are covered in other lessons.

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  5. Lesson

    This lesson deals with option contracts and firm offers, both of which result in irrevocable offers. The existence of an offer is often an essential element of the bargaining process. Although most offers are revocable, sometimes the offeree's power of acceptance is irrevocable through the formation of an option contract. This lesson will look at formation of an option contract through part performance or tender, a signed writing supported by consideration, statutory firm offers and detrimental reliance.

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  6. Lesson

    This lesson walks the user through significant portions of UETA, The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act.

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  7. Lesson

    This lesson considers probably the most common type of implied term, that of good faith. At common law, courts often supply a term requiring the parties to exercise "good faith" or "good faith and fair dealing". Moreover, for the sale of goods, the UCC provides that every contract is subject to good faith requirements, which cannot be disclaimed by agreement.

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  8. Lesson

    This lesson enumerates some general principles of contract remedies. You may want to run it before you run any of the individual lessons on contract remedies. It may be run as an introduction before you have studied contract remedies or as a review after you have studied the topic.

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  9. Lesson

    This lesson explores the issue of whether, in computing the expectation remedy, the court will award the cost of completion or the diminution in value. The lesson can be run either as an introduction to this aspect of damages or as a review after you have completed your study.

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  10. Lesson

    When the court awards money damages for breach of contract, it generally measures the damages by what is called the expectation measure or the expectancy. This lesson explains how those damages are calculated. It can be run either as an introduction to expectancy damages or as a review after you have completed your study.

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