
  1. Lesson

    This lesson examines the ethical issues associated with, and tools available for, researching parties, witnesses, and jurors on social media sites.

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  2. Lesson

    This is the first part of a two part lesson on probability theory. The lesson covers the basics of averages, deviations, conditional probability, and probability models.

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  3. Lesson

    This is one in a series of lessons directed at the ethical and professional considerations associated with the production of particular lawyering documents. This lesson is intended to introduce first year law students to the ethical and professional considerations associated with the preparation of predictive, interoffice memoranda. It is assumed that students are familiar with predictive, interoffice memoranda. No prior instruction in professional responsibility is required.

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  4. Lesson

    This lesson reviews the punctuation, grammar, and textual canons covered in Chapter 4 of the CALI eLangdell casebook, Statutory Law: A Course Source (co

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  5. Lesson

    This lesson introduces strategies and resources for researching state and federal judges. After completing this lesson, you will feel comfortable researching a judge's educational and professional history, scholarship, prior opinions, and other courts and judges they most frequently cite. It will be useful for prospective and current judicial clerks, law firm summer associates, paralegals, and practicing attorneys.

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  6. Podcast

    Professors Brown and Grohman, are the authors of many CALI lessons. Additionally, both teach 1L courses.

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  7. Crossword

    This crossword puzzle features clues related to the CALI Lesson Where Does Law Come From? Instructions:

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  8. Crossword

    This crossword puzzle features clues related to the CALI Lesson Statutory Interpretation. Instructions:

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  9. Lesson

    Creating Study Aids is part of the Academic Support series of CALI Lessons. This lesson introduces you to law school study aids. It begins with a brief overview of self-regulated learning and Bloom's learning taxonomy. Then, the lesson introduces law school study aids by pairing them with learning objectives at each level of the taxonomy. Finally, the lesson concludes with an activity designed to help you reflect on your learning. It can be used as an introduction, supplement, or as review.

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  10. Lesson

    This is an exercise designed to introduce first-semester law and graduate students to the basic elements of a typical case "brief" and to teach them general methodology for writing their own briefs. The exercise consists of three parts: (1) an introduction to the purposes and uses of a case brief; (2) a detailed examination of each of the ten components of a typical case brief (with examples); and (3) two actual cases that students are asked to read and then to brief, using the methodology described in this exercise. A sample brief for each of the two cases is also provided, thereby allowing students to correct and modify their briefs by way of comparison.

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