This lesson is intended to familiarize the user with Colorado primary legal research materials.
Read moreThis lesson teaches the basics of class action procedure under Federal Rule 23. The lesson focuses on the requirements of Rules 23(a) and 23(b). (It does not cover jurisdictional issues, appeals, issues of class management, or class settlement.)
Read moreThis lesson deals with the formation of contracts under Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code (excluding § 2-207 issues). Under UCC § 2-204, a contract can be formed in any manner sufficient to show agreement, even if the parties leave open terms. This lesson will explore the effect of the difference in formation between common law and Article 2.
Read moreThis lesson will cover two of the most powerful equitable remedies, the Constructive Trust and the Equitable Lien. This lesson is intended to supplement your classroom study of these remedial tools, and to explore their utility more deeply. Another lesson, "Equitable Protection of Restitution: The Accounting for Profits," is recommended. Taken together, students will learn when each form of relief is available, the advantages and disadvantages that each form offers and, when the choice is available, the strategic implications of choosing one form over another.
Read moreThis lesson focuses on state corporation law restrictions on distributions to shareholders. It does not cover restrictions on distributions arising from other sources, such as contractual restrictions, the law of fraudulent conveyance, or federal bankruptcy law.
Read moreThis lesson provides the basic framework for the search incident to arrest exception to the warrant and probable cause requirements the U.S. Supreme Court set forth in Chimel v. California in 1969.
Read moreThis lesson will focus on federal question jurisdiction under the federal question provisions in the Constitution and in section 1331, with primary emphasis on section 1331. We'll also spend a little time looking at related statutes, such as 28 U.S.C. §§ 1338, 1441, and 1454.
Read moreThis lesson provides both a theoretical and practical overview of the piercing the corporate veil doctrine and related theories for imposing the obligations of corporations on other legal actors such as shareholders or related corporate entities.
Read moreThis lesson provides an analysis of the levels of distinctiveness and the requirements for the determination of whether a term chosen as a mark is inherently distinctive, must yet acquire distinctiveness, or is incapable of trademark protection regardless of distinctiveness. The lesson is intended as a review of material that is covered early in a Trademark Law course.
Read moreLikelihood of confusion is a core concept in trademark law. This lesson is designed to teach the basics of confusion, as well as some more advanced aspects of the topic.
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