Updates to www.cali.org
- added Views exports to enhance reporting
- move AutoPublish functionality toward a full API to allow for broader self-publishing of resources
- better email for QuizWright creation
- auto login to QuizWright when following menu link from CALI Dashboard
- fixed redirect issue in user profile
- LessonLink and AutoPublish dashboard links now open in new tab/window
- clarified language in LessonLink reporting
- updates to Drupal core and various modules
- cleaned up list of “Class of …” groups for student registration
- fixed LessonLink email when LessonLink sets are edited
Updates to www.classcaster.net
- moved system to new servers to provide better performance
- updated theme on main Classcaster site
- removed unused themes and plugins
- updated WordPress core and plugins
Note: CHANGELOG is an occasional feature letting you know about changes to various CALI websites. It is mostly technical in nature but may include initial listing of new features and resources.