- This Subject Outline allows you to search for terms of art that correspond to topics you are studying to find related CALI Lessons.
- The Evidence Index lists all CALI lessons covering Evidence.
Subject Outline
- General Provisions (FRE Rules 101 - 106)
Statutory Interpretation (LCS03)
Statutory Interpretation Crossword Puzzle
- Rulings on Evidence
- Preliminary Questions
- Limiting evidence and instructing the jury
- Judicial Notice of an adjudicative fact (FRE Rule 201)
- Presumptions in Civil Actions and Proceedings (FRE Rules 301-302)
- Presumptions in Civil Cases Generally
- Applying State Law to Presumptions in Civil Cases
- Relevancy and Its Limits (FRE Rules 401-415)
Survey of Evidence (EVD03)
- Character
Character Evidence Under Federal Rules (EVD04)
- CALI eLangdell® Chapter,
Evidence: Propensity Character Evidence (Rule 404), free casebook chapter
- Relevance
- Other Acts
- Offers
- Pleas
- CALI eLangdell® Chapter:
Evidence: Plea & Plea-Related Statements (Rule 410), free casebook chapter
- CALI eLangdell® Chapter:
- Rape Shield Law, Sexual Assault
- CALI eLangdell® Chapter:
Evidence: Rape Shield Rule (Rule 412), free casebook chapter
- CALI eLangdell® Chapter:
- Privileges (FRE Rules 501-502)
- Attorney - Client Privilege and Work Product
- Witnesses (FRE Rules 601-615)
Survey of Evidence (EVD03)
- Examining Witnesses
- Impeachment
Impeachment and Rehabilitation of Witnesses (EVD07)
- CALI eLangdell® Chapter:
Evidence: Jury Impeachment (Rule 606(b)), free casebook chapter
- CALI eLangdell® Chapter:
Evidence: Impeachment by Evidence of a Criminal Conviction (Rule 609), free casebook chapter
- Writings Used to Refresh Memory and Prior Statements by Witnesses
- Opinions and Expert Testimony (FRE Rules 701-706)
Survey of Evidence (EVD03)
Expert and Opinion Evidence (EVD05)
- Lay Opinion
- Expert Opinion
- Hearsay (FRE Rules 801-807)
Survey of Evidence (EVD03)
- Definition of hearsay
Hearsay from Square One: The Definition of Hearsay (EVD08)
The Concept of Hearsay (EVD01)
The Definition of Hearsay and the Federal Rules Part 1: Substantive Rules and Hearsay Dangers (EVD10_01)
The Definition of Hearsay and the Federal Rules Part 2: Statements and What They Assert (EVD10_02)
The Definition of Hearsay and the Federal Rules Part 3: Hearsay Arguments (EVD10_03)
- Exclusions from Hearsay
- Rule Against Hearsay
- Declarant’s Credibility
- Sixth Amendment
- Authentication and Identification of Evidence (FRE Rules 901-903)
- Contents of Writings, Recordings, and Photographs (FRE Rules 1001-1008)
Best Evidence Rule Under the Federal Rules (EVD09)
- CALI eLangdell® Chapter:
Evidence: Best Evidence Rule, free casebook chapter
- Miscellaneous Rules (FRE Rules 1101-1103)