Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Almost all CALI Lessons work on most popular tablets and smartphones. How It Works: To access lessons with your mobile device you do not need to download an app, but you will need be connected to the internet. Use your device's default internet browser to go to the CALI website, log in and access the lessons just like you would on a desktop or laptop computer. Known Mobile Compatibility Issues: We're aware of, and working on:

  • iPad large font size - iPad shows very large font size. You can use your browser's font size setting to reduce the size to 50%.
  • Drag and drop questions do not function on Android devices. If you encounter a drag and drop question while on an Android device we recommend you exit the lesson and resume it later on a computer so that you can answer the question.
  • Mobile view in Safari does not work on iOS - iPad or iPhone. Lessons still run as normal, but you do not have the option of mobile view at this time.

Help Us Find Mobile Issues! There are a bunch of devices on the market and, unfortunately, it's impossible for our little nonprofit to support and test every scenario. We need your help identifying issues. First, make sure you are using your device's default browser. If you still have a problem, contact us. Thanks!

No, not at all! CALI Lessons are compatible with the Apple operating system.