Frequently Asked Questions

Let's say you want...

  •     a version of the eBook file that is printable and most resembles print, with static page numbering, and you do not want to edit its content. PDF
  • to read the eBook on your iPad, Nook, or nearly any non-Kindle device. ePub (ePubs even work on "your computer with a number of free software)
  •  to read the eBook on your Kindle. Mobi
  •  an easy way to edit or customize the content of the file for redistribution to students, or for other non-commercial uses. Word


We recommend the .epub version. But first, you'll need to install a compatible software like Nook's desktop apps or even the Firefox extension EPUBreader.

More .epub-compatible software options, some of which also read .mobis, can be found in Wikipedia's .epub software listing. Look around and experiment with different options. Find which one works best for you.

This varies greatly depending on which device you use. Do some searching around the web for how to transfer the file to your specific device and you'll likely find videos and how-tos. Don't hesitate to contact us if you're having issues with the transfer.

We've found that a few Windows machines take our .epubs and, inexplicably, rename the .epub file extension .zip. None of our ebook files should come to you in .zip format. If you're seeing a .zip file, it's an error.

The easiest way to fix this is by renaming your file from back to XXXX.epub. Then make sure you open the .epub file with an epub-compatible software or device.

There's an few options.

  • If you have a tablet or smartphone and you are connected to the Internet, clicking on the link to the .epub should automatically open it.  You may need to install an epub reader app if you haven't already. There are many free ones to choose from.   If your device is not connected to the internet, follow the manufacturers' instructions on transfering files.
  • If you are using a desktop or laptop computer and don't need offline access, there are several free browser extensions for firefox and chrome that allow you to read the book within the browser.
  • If you are using a desktop or laptop and need or prefer offline access, download the book to your computer and then use an ebook manager tool like Calibre to read the book.
  • If you have a Kindle, you can use Calibre to transform the book into a PDF or .mobi format for viewing on your Kindle.

A .mobi, like an .epub, is a file extension designed especially for ebooks; but mostly for the Amazon Kindle.

You can read .mobi files on your PC or Mac with certain software; but we usually recommend using the .epub version in most instances unless you're transferring your book to a Kindle.

An .epub file is a type of file designed especially for ebooks and ereaders. It's most notably the format of choice for iBooks, iPads, iPhones, and Apple devices. Epub files do not work on Kindles. For that you'll need the .mobi.