Lorelle Anderson

Professor Anderson is the Assistant Library Director for Public Services and teaches Legal Bibliography at Florida A&M University College of Law. She specializes in legislative and statutory research. Professor Anderson received her B.A. degree from Atlantic Union College in 1994, her J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center in 1997, and her M.L.S. from University of Maryland in 1999. Prior to Florida A&M, she worked in libraries at the law firms of Covington & Burling and Crowell & Moring.

CALI Lessons

This table shows Lessons and podcasts by this author. It includes Lesson title, CALI Topics for the Lesson, the date the Lesson was published on the CALI website, the date the Lesson was last updated, and run/usage totals for the past 30 and 120 days.

Note: usage information for podcasts is not available here and is marked as N/A.

Lesson Title CALI Topic(s) Latest update Runs Past 30 Days Runs Past 120 Days
Reading Legislative History August 23, 2021