Criminal Procedure

  • This Subject Area Index lists all CALI lessons covering Criminal Procedure.
  • The Criminal Procedure Outline allows you to search for terms of art that correspond to topics you are studying to find suggestions for related CALI Lessons.
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Administrative Searches

This lesson explores the countless "administrative" searches governed by the Fourth Amendment that occur every day without warrants or probable cause, in public schools, jails and prisons, factories and offices, and at vehicle checkpoints and border crossings.

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Consent Searches

This lesson explores some of the rules surrounding police searches based on a citizen's consent. Students will be able to critically examine the law and the policies that permit consent searches under certain circumstances.

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Defining the Term "Search"

This lesson is designed to help students understand the term "search" as it is used under the Fourth Amendment. As we shall see, the term is a term of art which does not always correspond to popular conceptions or definitions of the term search. In this lesson, we explore the various facets and definitions of the term. This lesson is intended for students who have studied these issues in class and who would like to refine their knowledge.

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Double Jeopardy

In this lesson, you will learn about the application of the Double Jeopardy Clause to criminal prosecutions. You will consider such topics as the attachment of jeopardy, the definition of "same offense," and the dual sovereignty doctrine.

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Fourth Amendment Overview

This lesson is designed to introduce students to the Fourth Amendment prohibition against "unreasonable searches and seizures." The goal is to provide students with an overview of the history of the Fourth Amendment, as well as an introduction to the warrant requirement and the concept of warrantless searches. The lesson is intended for students who have studied these issues in class, and wish to refine their knowledge.

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Identifications in Criminal Cases: Law and Practice

This lesson examines identification procedures in criminal cases through a short exploration of problems that can arise in making an identification, a primer on basic constitutional rules and the problem of suggestiveness, and a simple criminal case in which you act as an investigator and see the legal consequences of choosing different identification procedures.
