
  • This Subject Area Index lists all CALI lessons covering Sales.
  • The Sales and Leases Outline allows you to search for terms of art that correspond to topics you are studying to find suggestions for related CALI Lessons.
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Statutory Interpretation

This lesson introduces the student to the doctrine and processes involved in interpreting state and federal statutes. Statutes are a critical part of every substantive area of the law, so this is important background for every student, legal professional, lawyer and judge.

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Hybrid Transactions

This lesson reviews the 2022 Amendments to UCC Article 2 that explain what law to apply to a "hybrid transaction" -- a transaction that involves both the sale of goods and something else. After completing the lesson, students will be able to determine whether a transaction is a hybrid transaction, which aspects predominate, and what law to apply to each aspect.

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The Merchant Rules

A number of the provisions in Article 2 have special rules applicable to merchants, called the “merchant rules.” This lesson explores the definition of merchant in the UCC, key sections in Article 2 that rely on the concept of a merchant, and how different definitions of merchant apply in different provisions of Article 2.

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Good Faith

This lesson considers probably the most common type of implied term, that of good faith. At common law, courts often supply a term requiring the parties to exercise "good faith" or "good faith and fair dealing". Moreover, for the sale of goods, the UCC provides that every contract is subject to good faith requirements, which cannot be disclaimed by agreement.

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Option Contracts and Firm Offers

This lesson deals with option contracts and firm offers, both of which result in irrevocable offers. The existence of an offer is often an essential element of the bargaining process. Although most offers are revocable, sometimes the offeree's power of acceptance is irrevocable through the formation of an option contract. This lesson will look at formation of an option contract through part performance or tender, a signed writing supported by consideration, statutory firm offers and detrimental reliance.

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Discussions in Contracts: Option Contracts and Firm Offers Podcast

The topic of this podcast is how to determine whether the offeror can terminate the offer or whether the offer is irrevocable. Recall that a contract is a promise or set of promises which the law enforces. Ordinarily, the manifestation of mutual assent takes place by virtue of an offer by the offeror, which is then followed by an acceptance by the offeree. Typically, an offeror can revoke an offer freely at any time prior to acceptance, but at times an offer is irrevocable. An offer may be found to be irrevocable in four situations, discussed in this podcast.

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At common law, in order for a contract to be binding on the parties, the terms must be sufficiently definite or the contract will fail. This lesson explores the boundaries of the doctrine of indefiniteness.

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Implied Terms

The terms of a contract include express and implied promises, conditions, provisos and presuppositions that bind the parties. Contracts often have "gaps" in them, either intentionally or unintentionally left that way by the parties. This exercise considers how courts supply terms to fill those gaps both at common law and under the UCC.
