Environmental Law

  • This Subject Area Index lists all CALI lessons covering Environmental Law.
  • The Environmental Law Outline allows you to search for terms of art that correspond to topics you are studying to find suggestions for related CALI Lessons.
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The Science of Wetlands

This lesson was written as a review of the material covered in Chapter 1 of the CALI e-book, Wetlands Law: A Course Source. The lesson reviews some basic wetlands science, including the values and functions of wetlands, types of wetlands, and wetland delineation methodology.

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Waters of the United States

This lesson was written as a review of the material covered in the second part of Chapter 4 of the CALI e-book, Wetlands Law: A Course Source. The lesson reviews the regulations, policies, and case law interpreting the scope of federal jurisdiction over "waters of the United States" under the Clean Water Act.

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Activities Regulated Under Section 404

This lesson was written as a review of the material covered in Chapter 5 of the CALI e-book, Wetlands Law: A Course Source. The lesson reviews whether activities such as landclearing, ditching, draining, sidecasting, and deep ripping are regulated as "discharges" of dredged or fill material, and reviews the relationship between the Clean Water Act section 402 permit program and the Section 404 wetlands permit program.

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Section 404 Permits

This lesson was written as a review of the material covered in Part 2 of Chapter 6 of the CALI e-book, Wetlands Law: A Course Source. The lesson reviews the procedures for the issuance of individual Section 404 permits and the application of the Clean Water Act section 404(b)(1) guidelines.

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States Roles in Wetland Protection Under the Clean Water Act

This lesson was written as a review of the material covered in Chapter 9 of the CALI e-book Wetlands Law: A Course Source. The lesson reviews the federal/state relationship in wetlands regulation under the Clean Water Act, with a focus on state programs, state programmatic general permits, state assumption of the Section 404 permitting program and the use of the Clean Water Act Section 401 certification program as a tool to protect wetlands.

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TSCA Basics

This lesson reviews the basic regulatory framework of the federal Toxic Substances Control Act. The lesson can serve either as a review of the statute or as an introduction to it.

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FIFRA Basics

This lesson reviews the basic components of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). It works best as a review of materials covered in a Hazardous Waste or Toxic Torts class, but it can also serve as an introduction to the statute.
