2L-3L Upper Level Lesson Topics

This set of Topics covers subjects typically taught during the second and third years of law school.
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This lesson provides an introduction to the doctrine of ratification. The lesson will cover what ratification is, why the doctrine developed, what acts can be ratified, who can ratify, how ratification occurs, and what are the legal effects of ratification. The lesson will also introduce you (or reintroduce you) to the related doctrine of adoption.

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RCRA Hazardous Wastes

This is an overview of the ways in which wastes become designated as "hazardous wastes" under the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), emphasizing the EPA's regulations governing RCRA hazardous wastes. Students should complete the CALI lesson on RCRA "Solid Wastes" before completing this lesson.

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RCRA Solid Wastes

This short lesson explores the definition of "solid waste" for RCRA purposes. The lesson does not require any prior knowledge of RCRA, but it can also serve as a review of RCRA's primary trigger after that topic has been covered in an Environmental Law or Hazardous Waste course.

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Real Covenants and Servitudes of Land PodCast

Professors Brown and Grohman, authors of several CALI lessons on covenants, give students a framework to approach studying the material and offer real-life applications of the doctrines. They also discuss the interrelatedness of the law and explain why it's an artificial distinction (and one that complicates learning) to study property issues separate from civil procedure issues, for example.

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Recovery of Attorneys Fees

Expense is a significant factor in any litigation. In deciding whether a judicial remedy is worth pursuing, parties must consider the cost of obtaining that remedy. The "American Rule" provides that parties to a lawsuit ordinarily pay their own attorney's fees, unless a statute or contract provides that fees can be shifted to the opponent. As it is fundamental to the litigation landscape, you may have touched on this doctrine in a number of your law school classes.

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Recovery of Damages for Trademark Infringement

The purpose of this lesson is to supplement your study of money damage recoveries permitted by The Lanham Act. Damage awards for trademark infringement may receive coverage in either your Remedies course or in your Trademark or Intellectual Property courses. This lesson will serve to introduce, review, and refine the principles you have studied in these respective courses to assist you in determining when damage awards for trademark infringement will be allowed.
