1L - First Year Lesson Topics

This set of Topics covers subjects typically taught during the first year of law school.
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Damages for Injuries That Cause Death

This lesson covers the common law rules and various statutory approaches governing recovery of damages for injuries resulting in death. Questions and problems in the lesson consider the circumstances under which and the extent to which damages are available to protect the interests of persons who die as a result of tortious injuries and the interests of the survivors of those persons.

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Defense of Others

This lesson covers the subject of defense of others. In many respects an actor's right to defend another parallels his or her right to defend himself or herself. However, there are some specific exceptions and nuances that must be understood. It is the purpose of this lesson to cover those specifics and nuances in the context of some classic scenarios.

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Defining the Term "Search"

This lesson is designed to help students understand the term "search" as it is used under the Fourth Amendment. As we shall see, the term is a term of art which does not always correspond to popular conceptions or definitions of the term search. In this lesson, we explore the various facets and definitions of the term. This lesson is intended for students who have studied these issues in class and who would like to refine their knowledge.

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Discharge of Duties: Discussions in Contracts Podcast

This podcast discusses a discharge of duties such that parties do not have to perform their contractual obligations and cannot demand performance under the other party's contract. Consideration is required to support enforcement of an agreement, including a modification of a contract resulting in a discharge of duties. This podcast will look at discharge by rescission, substituted performance, substituted contract, novation, and accord and satisfaction. We will also look at when a discharge is enforceable where it is supported by consideration, including where there is the use of an instrument under U.C.C. § 3-311. The podcast steps you through analyzing numerous hypos. 

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Discovery Privileges: Work Product

This lesson is part of a series of lessons about Discovery. Rule 26(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure describes the scope of discovery: This lesson will explore the doctrine of attorney work product. Material that falls under the work product doctrine ordinarily need not be produced in discovery, even if it is extremely relevant.

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Discovery Privileges: Attorney-Client Privilege

This lesson is part of a series of lessons about Discovery. If something is privileged, then, it is not discoverable even though it is relevant and proportional. This lesson will explore the doctrine of attorney-client privilege in the context of civil discovery in federal court litigation. Communications protected by the privilege are not discoverable, even if they are extremely relevant.
