2L-3L Upper Level Lesson Topics

This set of Topics covers subjects typically taught during the second and third years of law school.
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Standing: Causation

Article III of the United States Constitution requires a plaintiff to establish "standing" in order to sue in federal court. In addition to showing an injury-in-fact, plaintiff must also show "causation" and "redressability." In other words, plaintiff must show that defendant is the "cause" of the injury, and that the injury will be redressed by a favorable judicial decision.

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States Roles in Wetland Protection Under the Clean Water Act

This lesson was written as a review of the material covered in Chapter 9 of the CALI e-book Wetlands Law: A Course Source. The lesson reviews the federal/state relationship in wetlands regulation under the Clean Water Act, with a focus on state programs, state programmatic general permits, state assumption of the Section 404 permitting program and the use of the Clean Water Act Section 401 certification program as a tool to protect wetlands.

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Statutory Interpretation

This lesson introduces the student to the doctrine and processes involved in interpreting state and federal statutes. Statutes are a critical part of every substantive area of the law, so this is important background for every student, legal professional, lawyer and judge.

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Stop and Frisk

This lesson reviews the reasoning and holding of the landmark case of Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968) and explores the broader issues relating to investigative detentions and limited searches spawned by the Terry decision.

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Student Speech

This lesson addresses the First Amendment protections for student speech in public elementary and secondary schools. You willl learn about the legal standards from United States Supreme Court cases that apply to different types of student speech, and how lower courts have interpreted these standards. You will then apply these standards to factual scenarios in multiple choice and essay type questions. This lesson includes the standards that apply to off-campus and online speech.

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Superfund Basics

This exercise provides a review of the liability scheme and defenses under CERCLA and briefly reviews the CERCLA cleanup process. The exercise begins when EPA discovers phenol contamination in drinking water wells of several residents of Springfield, Ames. Through a series of multiple choice questions, the student helps EPA choose a response action, identify potentially responsible parties, and decide which liable parties the agency should sue, for what damages, and under what authority.

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Survey of Evidence

Students are placed in the role of judge and asked to rule on objections. The case is a civil action to recover damages for personal injuries sustained when an automobile driven by Plaintiff was involved in an intersection collision with an automobile driven by Defendant.
