2L-3L Upper Level Lesson Topics

This set of Topics covers subjects typically taught during the second and third years of law school.
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S Corporation Taxation: Termination of the S Election: The Termination of S Election by Revocation

This lesson is best used after studying the material in class. Unlike many of CALI's other lessons, this lesson takes a more problem oriented approach to learning the material. The lesson provides students with additional problem sets to work through, allowing students to refine their ability to apply the Code and Regs. to a variety of situations.

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S Corporation Taxation: Termination of the S Election: The Termination of S Election: Causes

This lesson is best used after studying the material in class. Unlike many of CALI's other lessons, this lesson takes a more problem oriented approach to learning the material. The lesson provides students with additional problem sets to work through, allowing students to refine their ability to apply the Code and Regs. to a variety of situations.

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S Corporation Taxation: Termination of the S Election: The Termination of S Election: Consequences

This lesson is best used after studying the material in class. Unlike many of CALI's other lessons, this lesson takes a more problem oriented approach to learning the material. The lesson provides students with additional problem sets to work through, allowing students to refine their ability to apply the Code and Regs. to a variety of situations.

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S Corporation Taxation: Termination of the S Election: The Post-Termination Transition Period of an S Corporation

This lesson is best used after studying the material in class. Unlike many of CALI's other lessons, this lesson takes a more problem oriented approach to learning the material. The lesson provides students with additional problem sets to work through, allowing students to refine their ability to apply the Code and Regs. to a variety of situations.

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Title Insurance Basics

This is the first of two lessons on title insurance. Title insurance is a critical component of modern real estate transactions. Anyone buying, selling or owning any interest in real estate, or any lawyer advising or representing such person, needs to know about title insurance. Unfortunately, it's a lot more complicated that the general public believes. This first lesson teaches the basic concepts of title insurance. The next lesson, Title Insurance Coverage, reveals how to determine what title problems are actually covered by a particular policy.

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Title Insurance Coverage

This is the second lesson on title insurance. This lesson is designed to build on what you learned in the first lesson, Title Insurance Basics. Title insurance is a critical component of modern real estate transactions. Anyone buying, selling or owning any interest in real estate, and every lawyer needs to know about title insurance. It's a lot more complicated that the general public believes.

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Tort in Agency : (a) Independent Contractor (b) Scope of Authority

This lesson focuses on a tort relation, one where the agent harms the third party, giving the third party a tort claim. Our inquiry is on whether the third party can bring this claim against the principal and the related policy. The lesson is cognizant that this may be your first encounter with agency, a concept that serves as the foundation of business law.

The lesson also includes problems that address Coasean irrelevance (which is often known as the "Coase Theorem").

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This lesson reviews the process of tracing wrongfully diverted money or property through a series of exchanges. Students are expected to have a basic familiarity with in-specie remedies such as replevin and constructive trust. The lesson provides problems for students to consider practical evidentiary issues in locating and proving the identity of property and to practice the application of rules for tracing funds into and out of commingled accounts. The lesson will be most useful for review by students in remedies, debtor-creditor or bankruptcy courses.
