2L-3L Upper Level Lesson Topics

This set of Topics covers subjects typically taught during the second and third years of law school.
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Water Law Basics: Riparianism

Riparianism is the system of water law used in most eastern states in the United States to govern property rights in water. This lesson provides a review of the basic concepts of the doctrine of riparianism for students in Water Law or Property classes. It covers both common law riparianism and regulated riparianism.

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Waters of the United States

This lesson was written as a review of the material covered in the second part of Chapter 4 of the CALI e-book, Wetlands Law: A Course Source. The lesson reviews the regulations, policies, and case law interpreting the scope of federal jurisdiction over "waters of the United States" under the Clean Water Act.

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Wetlands Basic

The following exercise is designed to reinforce your understanding of some of the basics of wetlands regulation and the wetlands permitting process under the Clean Water Act. Knowledge of the basic structure of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act is necessary to complete this exercise.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the lesson, the student will be able to:

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What is a "song" and protection for live performances PodCast

Prof. Lind teaches Copyright, Trademark, Entertainment Law, Mass Media law, and Museum and Art Law at Southwestern. He is also the author of several CALI lessons on copyright and trademark law. In this podcast, he explains the confusion that arises from the use of the term "song." Prof. Lind also discusses the terms "author" and "sound recording" and their implications for protection under the U.S. Copyright Act. In this podcast Prof.

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What is a Director's Conflicting Interest Transaction?

This lesson reviews the definition of "director's conflicting interest transaction" in Subchapter F of chapter 8 of the Revised Model Business Corporation Act. It focuses on the definition and does not discuss judicial review of director's conflicting interest transactions under Subchapter F. That is dealt with in a companion lesson, Judicial Review of Director's Conflicting Interest Transactions under the Model Business Corporation Act.
