
  • This Subject Area Index lists all CALI lessons covering Contracts.
  • The Contracts Outline allows you to search for terms of art that correspond to topics you are studying to find suggestions for related CALI Lessons.
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Discussions in Contracts: Misunderstanding and Mistake Podcast

There are three sets of defenses that might be used to avoid enforcement of a contract which is otherwise valid: (i) capacity related defenses; (ii) assent related defenses; and (iii) public policy related defenses. The topic of this podcast is the basic concepts related to the assent related defense of mistake. This podcast will also distinguish the doctrine of misunderstanding, which sometimes gets confused with mistake. Misunderstanding is not a defense at all, but a doctrine that when used prevents contract formation.

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The Statute of Frauds

The Statute of Frauds is among the defenses to contract formation. This exercise assists the student in determining whether a transaction is within the statute of frauds, whether the agreement is evidenced by a writing, and whether an exception applies.

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Discussions in Contracts: Statute of Frauds Podcast

The topic of this podcast is the basic concepts related to the types of contracts governed by the statute of frauds -- that is, statutes that require evidence of the contract in writing. More particularly, we will look at the categories of contracts governed by the statute, what type of writing satisfies the statute, and exceptions to the statute where a writing is not required.

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Discussions in Contracts: Statute of Frauds under UCC § 2-201 Podcast

The topic of this podcast is the basic concepts related Article 2’s statute of frauds. More particularly, we will look at when a contract is governed by § 2-201, the exceptions to the writing requirement of § 2-201, and what type of writing when required is satisfactory. Section 2-201 only applies when there’s a contract for the sale of goods for the price of $500 or more and has many exceptions, such that many contracts can be concluded without a writing.

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The Parol Evidence Rule

A hundred years ago, a law professor said of the parol evidence rule, "There are few things darker than this or fuller of subtle difficulties." Many students and professionals who have studied the rule would agree with that assessment. Hopefully this exercise will illuminate the rule. It does so by examining the functions served by the rule, taking the user through a series of questions that can be used to resolve most issues involving the application of the rule. The Uniform Commercial Code enactment of the rule is examined in detail.

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Interpretation of Contracts

Interpretation involves an ascertainment of the meaning of the words and provisions of a contract. Whereas "construction" of a contract relates to the legal effect of the words used by the parties, "interpretation" addresses the meaning of the parties. Whose meaning is to be given effect with respect to certain contract terms? What evidence may be taken into account when courts engage in interpretation? In this lesson, the parol evidence rule will be considered with respect to the admissibility of extrinsic evidence to determine the meaning of the contract as formed.

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Interpretation in the UCC

Interpretation involves ascertaining the meaning of the words and provisions of a contract. Article 2 of the UCC is intended not to regulate commercial activity, but to facilitate it. An important part of commerce is business practices in general and in particular, usages of trade and understandings of the parties to the contract. Therefore, this lesson emphasizes those parts of interpretation. For a broader discussion of interpretation in contract law, see the CALI Lesson Interpretation of Contracts.

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Implied Terms

The terms of a contract include express and implied promises, conditions, provisos and presuppositions that bind the parties. Contracts often have "gaps" in them, either intentionally or unintentionally left that way by the parties. This exercise considers how courts supply terms to fill those gaps both at common law and under the UCC.

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Good Faith

This lesson considers probably the most common type of implied term, that of good faith. At common law, courts often supply a term requiring the parties to exercise "good faith" or "good faith and fair dealing". Moreover, for the sale of goods, the UCC provides that every contract is subject to good faith requirements, which cannot be disclaimed by agreement.

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Good Faith: Discussions in Contracts Podcast

The topic of this podcast is the basic concept of good faith. Good faith, sometimes called the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, is an implied term in a party's obligation of performance in every contract. The podcast examines both the subjective and objective standards of good faith. It discusses the obligations of good faith under the common law - as expressed in Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 205 - and the Uniform Commercial Code § 1-304. It provides some history on the evolution of good faith in UCC Articles 1 and 2, and considers the variations on the definition of good faith adopted among the jurisdictions. Finally, the podcast covers the consequences of a breach of good faith. The cases of Reid v. Key Bank, Billman v. Hensel, and Neumiller Farms v. Cornett are discussed.
