1L - First Year Lesson Topics

This set of Topics covers subjects typically taught during the first year of law school.
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This exercise deals with offer, an essential element of the bargaining process. There are basically three requirements to establish an offer: (1) intent; (2) definiteness; and (3) communication to the offeree.

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Ohio Legal Research: Citation Manual

This lesson teaches Ohio citation as governed by the Supreme Court of Ohio's recently published guide, Writing Manual: A Guide to Citations, Style and Judicial Opinion Writing (the "Writing Manual"). This lesson covers only the material contained in part I of the Writing Manual, which the lesson will refer to as the Citation Manual.

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Oklahoma Legal Research: Secondary Resources

This lesson will introduce you to important secondary sources for Oklahoma legal research and help you develop strategies for using secondary sources to research Oklahoma legal questions. This lesson is intended to supplement the CALI Lesson on Oklahoma primary sources. In addition to the important Oklahoma secondary sources covered in this lesson, researchers should also be aware of secondary resources that are not Oklahoma specific. For information on secondary resources generally, see the CALI Lesson "Introduction to Secondary Resources."

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In the criminal law, culpability can be premised upon either an "act" or (in appropriate cases) an "omission" to act. In this lesson, we examine the concept of culpability for omissions, and we explore the limits of criminal culpability. This lesson is intended for students who have studied these issues in class, and who wish to further refine their knowledge.

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Option Contracts and Firm Offers

This lesson deals with option contracts and firm offers, both of which result in irrevocable offers. The existence of an offer is often an essential element of the bargaining process. Although most offers are revocable, sometimes the offeree's power of acceptance is irrevocable through the formation of an option contract. This lesson will look at formation of an option contract through part performance or tender, a signed writing supported by consideration, statutory firm offers and detrimental reliance.
