1L - First Year Lesson Topics

This set of Topics covers subjects typically taught during the first year of law school.
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A contract can contain many different types of promises, made up of both express and implied terms. Express and implied warranty terms are the subject of this lesson. For instance, when parties contract for the sale of goods, they have certain expectations about the goods to be sold. These expectations form the basis of warranties that arise under U.C.C. Article 2. That is, what has the seller agreed to sell?

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Words Matter

You may have heard that lawyers are precise. It’s true. In law school, you will spend a lot of time discussing the meaning of a singular word or placement of a comma.

It is also true that sometimes there is more than one way to say something, or multiple phrases may mean essentially the same thing. It can be tricky to hear both that every punctuation mark and word matters, and that you must be nimble enough to recognize when two sources are talking about the same concept in different terms. This lesson is designed to show you some examples both of precision, and of when two things essentially mean the same thing.
